Build Your Personal Brand with a Profile Page using GitHub Pages

There are so many ways to build a personal profile site, here’s an easy way to do it using GitHub Pages, Hugo and GitHub Actions.

Stephen Walsh
The Alchemy Lab


Stephen Walsh Profile Page

There are a lot more people are thinking about personal brands and all sorts of extra bits and pieces outside of just plain on being a software engineer these days. Recently I created a simple personal profile site that links to my blog, GitHub, Twitter and LinkedIn and thought that others might find a quick how to useful so here we go.

I have tried many other frameworks and even different themes. I’ve done this all slowly over a few months but now I’m happy with how simple my setup is, and how easy this is for others to do the same. The following is a list of tools used to get the job done:

1. Create a GitHub Pages Repository

Login to GitHub and create a new repository on the new repository page. You need to use the pattern “{username}”, my username…



Stephen Walsh
The Alchemy Lab

Hello! I’m a Husband, Father, Software Engineer, Learner & Leader. I live in Wisconsin, and spend my days trying to balance all of the above.