Nessie of Loch Ness: Icon of Scottish Folklore

Strange & Unusual
7 min readMar 10, 2023
Photo by Ramon Vloon on Unsplash

Deep in the Scottish Highlands sits Scotland’s second largest and second deepest loch, Loch Ness. This far reaching lake is connected to a series of connected, murky bodies of water across Scotland, but it’s perhaps most well known for claimed sightings of the cryptid known as The Loch Ness Monster, or affectionately Nessie, for some.

Brought to worldwide attention in 1933, the interest in the Loch Ness Monster has waxed and waned. The majority believe her to be a hoax or wishful thinking, but there are still true believers out there, remaining hopeful to her existence.

Compiled from the various sightings, the general description of Nessie notes her as a large, long necked creature, possibly with humps that rise out of the water when she surfaces. Mottled green or black colouring and a small head. Some have compared her resemblance to a plesiosaur, a type of marine reptile that went extinct 66 million years ago.

Cryptozoologists and believers alike have put significant emphasis on the Loch Ness Monster, and she is considered one of the more well known creatures of mystery.

Sightings of the Loch Ness Monster

Whether you believe in Nessie or not, you can’t deny that the myriad of sightings is intriguing. Though there have been many over the…



Strange & Unusual

Hi, I'm C. I'm a writer and researcher who is passionate about all things strange and unusual. Thanks for visiting. ♥