Strange Sounds and Booms

Strange Oz
1 min readMay 19, 2015


“in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” — Corinthians 15:52

Strange sounds have been heard for almost a decade throughout the world. From Russia to Canada and into the Southern Hemisphere. They vary in how they sound, but one thing they do have in common is that they are all unexplained. They are most often described as unsettling, almost haunting sounds that are prolonged and distinct from any other sound around them. There are no words to explain the distinct sound that has been heard sufficiently, so a viewing of the included videos is essential.

Creepy right? What are they?
Explanations range from Aliens and Black Ops such as HAARP, to biblical warnings from God of the Trumpets of the Apocalypse, even to the Hollow Earth Theory causes. Science also has its own theory which is the most logical answer we have at this point in time.

Wherever these sounds are coming from or whatever is making them, they are increasing in frequency every year and one hopes it is only a matter of time until we learn their source. -J

Have you yourself heard these sounds? please do not hesitate to leave contact information below.
For up to date information on the phenomenon, please consult
EarthFiles and Coast to Coast AM.



Strange Oz

Research of everything outside Normal Perception. Primarily in Australia.