How to make new friends.

strange writer
4 min readDec 8, 2022


By: Strange Writer.

Making friends is good for us.
“Many people come into your life and leave, but only true friends leave a mark on your heart. -Eleanor Roosevelt.”

True friends never leave others. Even if they are in hard times. People feel better, more comfortable, and more pleasant when they are with them. I have an example of a friend of my father. He is a true friend. He never left dad alone even though he had many work problems. So making friends is good for us. However, the question arises as to how to make new friends.

You can find new friends when:

1: Join a group or club. Find a local group where people with interests like yours go regularly. such as a book club, religious group, parents’ meeting, cycling club, etc. There you will find new people to talk to and share information about your interests.

2: Volunteer. People who work together often form strong bonds. meet people through volunteering at a community centre, hospitals, museums, charity groups or places of worship.

3: Join a social circle. One of the easiest ways to meet people is to surround yourself with people who have their own large friend groups. Ask everyone for an introduction. Take one step and start a conversation with someone new. This will give you information about everyone and boost your confidence.

How to start a friendship:
Friendship takes time to become strong, but when it becomes strong, no one can break it. But now the question is how to make it strong.

1: When you are invited to an event, party or occasion, always accept the invitation. And in return invite him somewhere. Spend more time with your boyfriend.

2: When you’re with someone you’d like to get to know better, start a conversation with them. Talk about yourself and then ask him to tell you about him.

3: If you are meeting someone for the first time, show interest in their conversation, make them comfortable by asking the right questions and being a good listener.

4: Make eye contact and smile. A smile while maintaining good eye contact will positively affect the other person. He will enjoy the conversation and feel comfortable.

5: When you get to know each other, share things with each other, help him in his difficult times and he will help you in yours. Being open with them gives them permission to be open with you.

6: When you meet someone, exchange numbers and send a message. Ask if they would like to get together again. Staying in touch is essential.

There are things you should avoid:

1: Don’t act different just to fit in. Always be yourself, genuine and honest. Sometimes, for example, we have a best friend, but he is a smoker, it does not mean that now you will become a smoker too. You decide for yourself what is good and what is bad for you.

2: Don’t expect results right away. Establishing a strong bond between two people takes time. Do your best, but keep your expectations low. Research suggests that it can take 10 to 15 conversations before you feel like friends.

How to know you are friends

Signs of a new friendship include:
1: The other person takes the initiative and calls or texts you.

2: You feel comfortable and natural with them.

3: You don’t hesitate to share or do something in front of them.

4: You respond to them with empathy and they will do the same with you.

Now in this world friendship is only for two reasons: Money or any benefit. There are far fewer cases where people have true friendships. eg When a person wants to be friends with another person who studies in the same class. But when he goes to express his feelings or moves his hand forward to shake hands and says “will you be my friend”. The other person’s response is very important at that moment. if he says no, the other person’s feelings will be hurt. So if someone asks you to be a friend, smile and say, “Sure! I’ll be your friend.”

