Why you shouldn’t quit your job just yet!

Fernando Strano
5 min readFeb 7, 2022


Alright, we all have been there. You know what I mean!

Its Monday. First and worst day of the week (at least for most people).

So, you get up after hitting the snooze button more than a few times, you crawl out of bed even though you are super late.

You eat something quick or don’t eat at all and race to catch a bus that will take you there, you know, that place in which you’ll be miserable for the next 8–9 hours.

Its Monday, everybody is in “ball busting mode”, you are overwhelmed by the quantity of stuff you need to get done virtually at the same time and, after a couple of hours (that felt like a year), the door opens a there it is, that entity that will make you suffer for the rest of your day: THE BOSS!

And at some point of the day, you realize that, even though you are a couple of hours away from freedom, you will have to repeat all of it again tomorrow, and the next day, and so on, until Friday comes along and you are able to kick back a bit until you have to start all over again next Monday.

It never ends. Weekends are not enough. Two-week vacations ain’t gonna cut it.

Until one day you start thinking “this can’t be the rest of my life”, “I’m not going to work for this a*hole all my life so I can barely pay my bills and take two weeks off per year”, “I surely can do a better job running the company than my boss”, “I’m smart enough to be the boss”, “I’ll quit my job and start my own business”.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with being your own boss, have a business of your own and dedicate your time for you and your family instead of some random person who runs a company and doesn’t care if you live or die as long as you punch the clock and get your tasks done.

You think “ok, a lot of people is doing this, I can do it too”, so one day you feel you had enough and you do it, you quit your dead-end job.

And you are happy, it’s a great feeling saying goodbye to a place (and to the people) that made you miserable every day of the week for, in most cases, several years.

So you go and start your own business.

You probably pick something trendy, or had a “great idea” or some friend or relative talk you into some “once in a lifetime opportunity” deal.

You are feeling absolutely pumped, filled with energy, you are happy, you are driven and even though you are probably working around 12 to 15 hours a day building your business you start each day with no complaints, you jump out of the bed and start working with a smile on your face.

Then, a couple of months go by as you burn through your savings waiting for the business to start making some money.

Businesses take time to give you any profits most of the times, but you didn’t even think about that when you quit your job.

After some time, you have to give it up.

It never made a penny, you spent all of your savings and now what? You are miserable again. Not to mention broke.

And what do you do then?

You start looking for yet another dead-end job to pay your bills and payback the debts of your dead business.

But, why did this happen? Are you not as smart as your old boss? Are you doomed to be an unhappy employee for the rest of your life?

The answer to the last two questions is short: “NO”.

The answer to the first one needs a deeper understanding, and there’s a few “rules” that you shouldn’t ignore before you go and quit your job:

1- You can’t (or shouldn’t) start a business without having any money. Most businesses take months, even years to be profitable, so you need to be prepared for that.

2- You have to do your research first. Don’t start a business of something you know little to nothing of. Learn as much as you can about it first.

3- You need the right mindset. Meaning you need to get out of your “employee head” and start thinking more goal oriented and be relentless achieving those goals. You need to be psychologically ready to get pass the bumps you’ll find on your road to success.

4- Get real. If you start a business, you are not going to work less, you are going to work more! Far more. You’ll probably be your company’s marketer, accountant, supply manager and so on for the first few years. So, if you are not ready to commit to it 24/7 then you probably should stay at your current job.

5- Do it for the right reasons. Don’t start a business just because you don’t want to get up early every day or because you can’t stand one more minute of your boss’s stupidity.

You are not the first nor the last person to feel this way.

Actually, a significant amount of people feels unhappy with their lives and, in most cases, their job is one of the main reasons.

So, if you are determined to take a turn in your journey and become independent do it, absolutely do it, but first make yourself ready for this new path in your life.

You got to go for it. With conviction, with hunger and drive.

Do it because you know there’s more to life than a dead-end job and because you know that you will do whatever it takes to make it work, that you won’t give up and you will achieve that what you dream.

Be patient, if you commit to it with everything you’ve got, you’ll do it.

Don’t give up, your breakthrough may be closer than you think!

— If you want to start feeding your brain with the necessary knowledge I recommend you to read THIS article about some of the books you absolutely need to read if you’re thinking of entering the entrepreneurial world!. —

