Stop using Stone Age tools to prepare for a future that is already here!

How the technocratic business mindset prevents adopting new learning strategies

Toby Coop × ODILE⁺


There are parallel worlds:

World one:

A global ecosystem in competitive video gaming.
21st Century.
A revolution in technology, entertainment, medicine, nanotechnology and robotics.
Metaverse, 3D-internet, AI, virtual reality and esport.
Innovative mind-set.

World two:

Business training in leadership, teamwork and soft-skills.
From the boardroom to the shop floor.
Slide-deck, classroom, conference room, video conference and role plays, videos and questionnaires.
Technocratic mind-set.


In the business world, training departments refuse to invest in modern training techniques.
Prejudice, bias, ignorance, fear, and dislike of modern technology permeates…



Toby Coop × ODILE⁺

Transforming Uncertainty into Opportunity! Building successful teams with soft skills & AI.