πŸ“ Berry Rewarding πŸ“

100% of the rewards for the community!

The Wild Strawberry Supernodes
2 min readMay 19, 2019

Did you just say 100% of the voting rewards? Well yes… we did!

Take them, they are yours to keep!

Please let us explain why we have made this decision.

As of now it is too early to say how things will go and we want to give the best deal possible to our community. That is why we have decided to give 100% of the rewards back to our voters for the first 2 months!

This gives us time to monitor the market and evaluate models that are being used by different nodes. Eventually we use all the information to construct the most fair and rewarding model for both our voters and our nodes.

The first 2 months all the rounds are on us!


During this time we would like to decide together with our community what the most fair and rewarding model would be for the Strawberry Supernodes and our voters.

Thank you for reading!

Come join the wild strawberry patch and be part of securing the smart web of the future, for generations to come!






The Wild Strawberry Supernodes

Securing the Elastos network & sharing the wealth of a decentralized eco-system