How WhiteCodeLabs is creating an Ad-free video streaming platform

Stream 41
1 min readSep 27, 2018


White Code Labs, a California-based, software innovation firm claimed to have developed the next generation live video streaming platform called Stream41. Lets find out what this platform is all about.

Stream41 is a decentralized model for sharing live video content through a peer-to-peer network developed on the Ethereum blockchain, for a design that is both content producers and content viewers. These users can join the platform to earn view tokens by leveraging their redundant resources and hosting videos all advertisement-free. So what does all this exactly mean?

“Stream41 ends technology company’s over-reliance and addiction to advertisement revenue. As a blockchain-based, application, Stream41 promotes an advertisement-free platform where content producers/broadcasters and content viewers can engage in a more meaningful way. Our platform provides vote-based tipping, recurring payments from fans, and business-sponsored endorsements. All of the revenue flows through the Ethereum blockchain, secure and safe without middlemen involved. Content generators can start earning right away, as long as they bring value to their audience and without hefty fees deducted and shared with technology companies..”

For more in-depth information go to

by Kevin Price



Stream 41

Stream 41 is a live-video-streaming-platform, developed on the Ethereum blockchain.