Art and Commerce sitting in a tree…

2 min readApr 7, 2016


I considered myself lucky to walk by the Flatiron building every day for the past 5 years, and often took my time to slow down as I passed the slim, triangular-shaped corner with large windows. The work on display was stunning in its range, whether it was hung art, an installation, or perhaps live performances that I noticed out of the corner of my eye.

The Flatiron Building during the Blizzard Jonas (1.23.2016) Photo by Michele Palazzo

After the viral success of my picture portraying the Flatiron Building during Blizzard Jonas I came to learn that, the Prow Art Space as it was called, was a joint collaboration between Sprint and Cheryl McGinnis Gallery. It was a transformation unlike anything I’d ever seen, a brand new perspective of the Flatiron Building, the most unique gallery in the city! This quiet loveliness made me, an adopted New Yorker, proud!

Last Art Installation: Flakes by Chelsea Hyrnick Browne and a Dance performance by Dion Wilson and Akua Noni Parker. Photos by Michele Palazzo

I’m sad to say though, that this small jewel facing Madison Park is no more. New Yorkers are losing this iconic gallery. Instead of a visual treat for your soul, we’re getting another window for mobile phones. I can’t help but be sad for the loss of such a pulsating, lively portal for our culture.

The Space today: a window for phones. Photos by Michele Palazzo

I loved Sprint’s original vision where they saw the potential of this space, in a city like New York, to have come up with a noble idea in 2011. It’s worth saving and remixing into something so much more beautiful in the years to come!

Please, if you feel that art can coexist with all the commercial windows that already fill this city, share this piece!

