Why is it Necessary to build Correct Fundamentals in Your Game?

3 min readOct 14, 2021

Just like any other sport, tennis also requires skills to be a pro in the game. And if you want to learn the game and be exceptionally great at it, you should join a tennis training club for beginners.

Tennis requires lots of physical strength, growth, and development. To be a pro in the sport, you need to have a solid understanding of the game. Also, you should have a proper grasp of the basic skills.

Professional trainers and highly skilled athletes believe that one needs to build the correct fundamentals to play the sport perfectly. There is plenty of tennis fundamentals program for kids available these days, where you can enroll you kid to learn the sport.

By stating correct fundamentals, professionals mean one should know about the proper tennis techniques, the correct grip of the racket, and the right mental state to play the sport. Tennis is not just a physical sport; it requires mental support and strength as well.

There’s no hiding that in the initial days, beginners can feel frustrated, but if you acquire the correct fundamentals of the game, you’ll feel much great after it.

Tennis might look like an easy sport to watch when professionals play, but the game is much more complex in reality.

Let us look at the basic physical fundamentals of tennis, and it primarily includes strokes, grips, and footwork. Some of the fundamentals of the game are as follows-

-When it comes to the strokes, the basic techniques included and counts is the different angles and speed of hitting the ball.
-Footwork also matters, and it is measured and examined by the movement needed to move from one part of the court to the other at different speeds.
-Most of all, the physical fitness and conditioning of the player are most essential, and it is all about your muscle strength, toning, speed, and stamina.
-Equipment required to play the game is — racket, ball, correct shoes, and comfortable sporting attire.

The key fundamental of strokes is the forehand, and it is most commonly used to stroke and play the sport. One should learn different grips: semi-western grip, western grip, eastern grip, and continental grip. If you want to know the fundamental of the sport, you should have a firm grasp of the semi-western and eastern grip.

In terms of footwork, balance is most essential. If you want to work on your footwork fundamentals, you should practice quick, rapid movements and small jumps.

Physical fitness is an essential fundamental required to be accurate in playing the sport. Elements counted in physical fitness are — flexibility, agility, speed, stamina, and coordination.

Above all, you should have the right and comfortable equipment and gear to play the sport. To be more skilled and play the game comfortably, you should have the correct tennis equipment in your initial days the most.




Street Tennis Club is a leader in home tennis development programs and equipment.