What is the role of Physical activities in the IB Elementary Schools?

Strelitz International Academy
5 min readDec 27, 2023


It’s a growing concern: our young ones aren’t getting enough physical activity. Shockingly, only 44.6% of them are hitting the target set by the Chief Medical Officer, engaging in sports and physical activities for at least 60 minutes every day. With the rise of screens and sedentary lifestyles, playgrounds and sports fields are getting quieter. But why does it matter, and what can we do about it?

Play isn’t just a way for kids to burn off energy — it’s a crucial building block for their development. Physical activity helps improve concentration, boosts memory, and enhances problem-solving skills. Beyond the mental benefits, play also contributes to emotional well-being, offering an outlet for stress and fostering resilience.

Schools play a pivotal role in shaping habits that last a lifetime. One integral aspect that often takes center stage in the journey of nurturing young minds is the role of physical activities in schools. Beyond the conventional classroom setting, these activities play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of physical activities in IB program Elementary Schools in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The Link Between Physical Activity and Academic Performance

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

Numerous studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between physical activity and improved academic performance. Engaging in activities that get the heart pumping increases blood flow to the brain, promoting better concentration and enhanced cognitive function. In IB PYP Schools, this translates into an environment where physical activities are seamlessly integrated into the daily routine, creating a symbiotic relationship between movement and academic achievement.

Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking

Physical activities aren’t just about running and playing; they are powerful tools for promoting creativity and critical thinking. Whether it’s solving a team-based challenge or navigating an obstacle course, students in Elementary Schools in Virginia learn to approach problems from different perspectives. These activities serve as dynamic platforms for honing problem-solving skills, a crucial component of the IB learner profile.

Social Skills and Teamwork

Physical activities are fertile ground for the cultivation of social skills and teamwork. In IB PYP Schools, students engage in activities that necessitate cooperation and collaboration, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Whether it’s a game of soccer or a collaborative project, these experiences lay the foundation for effective communication, empathy, and teamwork — an essential part of the IB ethos.

Emotional Regulation and Well-being

The elementary years are a crucial period for emotional development. Physical activities provide an outlet for students to express themselves physically, releasing pent-up energy and stress. This not only contributes to emotional regulation but also promotes overall well-being. In an IB setting, the emphasis on the learner profile attributes of being open-minded and balanced is reflected in the intentional inclusion of activities that cater to emotional development.

Physical Fitness and Lifelong Habits

In a world where sedentary lifestyles are becoming the norm, IB program Elementary Schools recognize the importance of instilling healthy habits early on. Physical activities not only contribute to physical fitness but also lay the groundwork for a lifetime of wellness. By making exercise a routine part of the school day, IB schools send a powerful message about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is a fundamental aspect of well-being. Physical activities in IB Elementary Schools emphasize the integration of mind and body, promoting a holistic understanding of health. From yoga and mindfulness exercises to traditional sports, students are exposed to practices that nurture both mental and physical resilience.

Adapting to Diverse Needs

One of the strengths of the IB approach is its commitment to inclusivity. Physical activities are designed to be adaptable, catering to the diverse needs and abilities of students. Whether a child excels in traditional sports or thrives in alternative activities, the goal is to create an environment where every student feels empowered to participate and succeed.

Addressing Screen Time Concerns

In an era dominated by digital screens, concerns about excessive screen time are valid. IB Elementary Schools strike a balance by integrating physical activities that not only counteract sedentary habits but also teach students to manage their screen time responsibly. This holistic approach aligns with the IB philosophy of nurturing responsible digital citizens.

Why is Physical Activity Important in Schools?

Cognitive Benefits

Physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function and academic performance. Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. In a school setting, this translates to an environment where students are not just physically active but also mentally engaged, fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning.

Emotional Well-being

Physical activity is a natural stress buster. In schools, where students may face academic pressures and social challenges, engaging in physical activities provides an outlet for stress and helps in emotional regulation. It contributes to the development of resilience and coping mechanisms, valuable skills that extend beyond the school years.

Social Development

School is not just about academics; it’s a microcosm of society where social skills are honed. Physical activities, especially those that involve teamwork and collaboration, play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s ability to communicate effectively, empathize with others, and work harmoniously in a group setting. These skills are fundamental not only for academic success but also for future personal and professional achievements.


The statistics may be concerning, but the solution is within our reach. By understanding the importance of physical activity and working together, we can ensure our kids grow up healthy, happy, and ready to take on the world. Join us on this journey to unlock the power of play and make a positive impact on the lives of our young ones.

Contact Us Now to learn more about how we as one of the best International Baccalaureate schools in Virginia Beach are fostering an active and engaging environment for kids in our school. Together, let’s create a future where every child has the opportunity to thrive through the joy of movement. Contact us at 757.424.4327 to Schedule a visit!



Strelitz International Academy

Jane Smith is an educational researcher in an International Baccalaureate curriculum implementation. Her work is at https://strelitzinternationalacademy.org/.