Why I left the law: Toxicity within the ranks

Quote of the article: “Take no shit”

Reflecting on the journey through the corporate landscape, from the more intimate settings of small Adelaide (South Australian) and Melbourne (Victorian) firms to the vast expanses of international corporations (such as the one I worked for in Europe), unveils a nuanced understanding of the impact of corporate psychopathy, narcissism, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) on individuals and the very fabric of organizational cultures. This path, particularly within the high-pressure realms of law, accountancy, and finance, offers a unique vantage point to witness how these personality traits manifest and exert their influence, impacting not only those who carry these traits but also those around them.

The Personal and Professional Toll:

The corporate environment, for many, is more than a place of work; it’s a significant part of their identity and life’s fabric. That was certainly the case for me, at first. When this space becomes infiltrated by individuals with traits indicative of psychopathy, narcissism, or NPD, the ramifications are profound and destabilizing. These personalities introduce a complex array of challenges that can erode the well-being of colleagues, the ethical backbone of the organizations, and the efficiency…



'STRENGTH FROM SCARS' - Robert Charles Kavanagh

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