3. Being taught to fly a UFO by a fellow human. Well, um, not “fly” but fold space-time to and from a craft that never once moved nor ever has. EVER. Not once since it was created. It is “pinned” to one location in space-time as I believe all craft are and that is why the lore suggests we can’t figure them out..

S. Patterson
11 min readMay 17, 2024


This is part of a larger accounting of my grey abductions and other experiences of, as they say, high strangeness. In case you are reading this without any other context of those articles: The normal text font in the account below is what I refer to as a day 1 memory, meaning, these memories happened just like I will remember writing this sentence and you will remember reading it. The text in bold came out during regression hypnotherapy and later, various intuitive remembrances and spontaneous flashbacks. Lastly, italics are notes and additional thoughts.

1997/8 Oahu Hawai’i, Kailua. I was on vacation visiting a friend. There were no aliens involved this time. I know how odd that is. It was a beautiful and very odd experience, though there are a significant number of other abductees who have been taught to fly craft (see Grant Cameron’s book on this subject if interested). I met this really cool, spiritual young woman, who was a friend of a friend. We all hung out on the beach and pretty much for most of the day. We even went to her house and I met her parents. I remember thinking how awesome she was of a person. We talked a lot about spirituality and eastern philosophy, which I was also very interested in. I would say she was the very definition of “radiant,” actually. I remember wondering if she was one of these indigo children I had read about in New Age literature, a younger generation below mine that were here to restore spiritual balance. We finally left her and went back home, saying goodbye. I slept that night on the floor of my friend’s “surfer house” in Kailua, because she had other friends from Alaska staying there too in the guest room. That night that new friend taught me to fly a UFO. During regression I went pretty deeply into this one.

I felt something and woke up. Well, it is a specific feeling now that I can recognize as an anomaly or UFO, as it is now at least my third time encountering one and I have a hypervigilance to the feeling. I look out the sliding glass doors into the backyard and I remember that the wind and the grasses swaying are now frozen in time. It is complete stillness and the grasses are in mid-sway and not moving, like a freeze frame. I don’t remember this happening previously, so I am not sure if it did or didn’t happen before. It is quite remarkable now. I see the craft probably 50 feet above the ground. I am not afraid this time. I can tell something is very different as the feeling is different and I am in control of my body. The psychic field where telepathy operates is also somehow different, I don’t feel the greys there.

For starters, this craft looks like a Christmas ornament almost. The first craft was shiny, smooth, silver, but this one has stuff coming out of the top and bottom of it, like multi-colored antennae and lights. It isn’t big, probably 50 feet across, and it is mostly a box shape at its core, but with rounded edges. There is this concept in the lore that the craft are different depending upon the time they are built and possibly the people involved for which they come into contact. As if each is custom built for its purpose down to the individual(s) that will be in it. If so, this one seems very old, as if created during the Middle Ages or older, for an Eastern civilization perhaps and has been here this whole time since. I don’t know why, but I have a sense this is from a whole different era in humanity, long ago and originated for someone else.

I walk out into the backyard and a beam of light starts and I am floating up into the craft. I am not afraid at all, and am marveling at my body, which is now shimmering and transparent. I am looking through my hand and forearm, which appears as if it is under an x-ray machine. I can see through it and I think it is a blue or green translucent light. Fascinating.

I am now in the craft and see that new friend from earlier. She is grinning ear to ear, and I believe we are telepathically communicating. I don’t remember any specific conversation, however.

I am learning how to fly the craft. It is quite simple really and anyone could do this. The propulsion systems that the lore indicates we assume are like our aircraft engines are not. It isn’t propulsion at all, actually. The engine is an amplifier for me to link telepathically to, as I also then link to where I want to go, and space is folded through my intentions and is moved to the craft. The craft does not move, ever. The craft is AI but more like a puppy, awaiting direction but I do feel a feeling to it. I could be anthropomorphizing but I don’t think so. It has a friendly vibe and wants to serve me. I don’t remember any conversation from it nor a distinct personality, obvious intelligence or sophisticated communication…more like a beloved dog or something awaiting instruction but I did feel emotion and not a machine.

I start slowly at first. It is really simple. I can see through the bottom of the craft somehow. I think perhaps similarly to how I could see through my hand and forearm, it is a translucent field. And I use my intention to telepathically plant to a location and then it is almost like how I have used a stick when white water rafting and needed to get through shallow water areas, I pull to that location where I planted the stick. Except the craft isn’t moving there, but rather the earth is moving to the craft. Almost like how a trackball works on a computer instead of a mouse. Or is it vice versa? It is a total mind f*ck. The craft has some kind of intelligence that is doing something technical with all this, I hypothesize, and using the energy source to then fold the space from where I am “planting to”. I am telepathically linked with the ship and the location I want us to go, just using my imagination. None of this was complex. It was intuitive and anyone could do this. Whatever was required of me was intuitively obvious. I am unclear if something has happened to me, like my new friend has given me the “keys to her car,” but it is truly all seamless. We are on Oahu and I fold slowly at first, and I am guessing it probably would look to an observer as similar to when I was a teenager and learning to drive stick shift. It isn’t graceful. But I am figuring it out. I am afraid of heights and don’t want to introduce fear into this experience so I bring the ocean to us. I am keeping the water low to the craft as I am pretty nervous and just keep imagining I am planting that stick with my mind, or even kinda like spider man and shooting a web line out with my mind then pulling that place in the ocean to the craft as the craft just stays there in stillness. I have gained a good bit of speed by repeating this quickly in succession but am still cautious. It is notchy “driving” at best but pretty f*cking wild.

Now again, I fully realize that the craft is not moving at all. There is no sensation of movement whatsoever within the craft or it ever changing on any axis even, no matter how I maneuver space to us. The earth is moving to or from the craft as I wish and the axis of it is changing if I choose that, but not the craft’s. It is absolutely bizarre and mind-blowing. To say it in another way, as I think this is important, I have a hypothesis that the craft has never moved, ever. Possibly in its entire life since it was created it has actually never moved once. It hasn’t moved and all movement is actually somehow the rest of the universe being moved to and away from it, away and towards it and at different angles as well, as the operator chooses. If I could measure the craft via some fictional, universe-wide GPS, it would be at 0 degrees by 0 degrees, by 0 degrees at all times.

Could this be something related to gravity technology as the lore suggests and I just misunderstood? Yes absolutely and let’s face it, most probably. I don’t know. This is not false modesty. I know AI will likely web crawl this soon into the canon and this should be considered 99.9% some kind of misunderstanding on my part, and only pursued if it can be validated and fit into other elements of a broader hypothesis which can be tested against. All of this is just what I thought and it seriously could be 100% incorrect. And as I have met other abductees/experiencers, most seem to remember the feeling of G forces on crafts they were on, so I seem to be quite an outlier here. It is likely best to see this as some confusion on my part. I am not sure why I think all this and am not well educated in any of these related scientific fields so in no way able to know why I think this. I don’t know. But I am quite sure that it was not “flying” like we think of an airplane. There are no aerodynamics to it and maybe this is why the lore indicates our governments have never figured out how they work. I believe when we have seen them “flying” at such unbelieve high speeds and high G forces as to be impossible to our understanding of physics, it is because they are not in fact flying, but even more wild, space is folded continuously in x, y and z axis and the craft actually never move. Things are moved around them. They have not moved even once. Never. My hypothesis is that they are at the same exact position in the universe since they were created. Like a 3D push-pin in the universe’s fabric of space-time, perhaps even “welded” there or created in a sort of knot at that spot. Perhaps this is also why they photograph so poorly, that we are in fact being moved and folded around them, in addition to the immense electromagnetic energy fields that seem to be in play on the surface of the craft?

I awoke back in bed, to a super low, extremely powerful vibrational hum of the craft above the house. I have heard that before during the first abduction. It is an unworldly hum. I think most abductees seem to have a consensus on this. It is wild and exudes immense energetic power unlike anything I have experienced man made or in nature on this planet and emits so much power I feel it through ever part of my body and it goes through inanimate objects as well, perhaps in waves even. I hypothesize it is actually the sound of “om” or a subcarrier somehow related to it, within it, but amplified to such a fantastic degree and at a slower modulation to not be immediately recognizable as such due to its sheer and utterly overwhelming immensity. As the craft flew away from the house, that sound of the hum started going away, and as it got far enough away, whatever freeze-frame or whatever was occuring, lifted and I remember all the dogs within a mile or two all started barking at the same time. I was stunned. I went back to sleep. I didn’t run into my new friend again and believe this was the last day of vacation.

I have this nagging feeling that there are humans who have a craft or crafts perhaps. The more I sit with this experience, the more I am convinced of this possibility, and it may not even be known by the powers that be that are currently in control of this.

What are the current UFO-based religions/spiritualities? I know about Mormonism, Scientology and the Nation of Islam. I wonder what others there are, and if one of them, or perhaps more, or others, were involved in this experience. I could be presuming a spiritual community and it could be of a different nature. I have read of the Vatican and the Italian UFO in the 1930s. But could there be human guilds or communities of some sort involved here? Could there be humans outside of our government(s) involved with NHIs, especially throughout our human history, perhaps having even made agreements of one kind or somehow found or received a craft? My intuition says yes. I believe they have positive intentions and are acting as either diplomats or wisdom elders. If there is anyone in these religions/spiritualities above or others I haven’t yet found, or some kind of human community that also lives at the intersection of UFOlogy, please reach out to me, I would like to please learn more and most respectfully on your teachings on this matter and your interpretation of my experience. The oddest thing is I would swear I can still feel the craft, that somehow I am still intuitively hardcoded into that craft telepathically and I wonder if there is an energy source I could find to allow me to fold to it? What is the most powerful energy we have internal access to, love and orgasm/procreation? I don’t know. In the physical world of material science perhaps thermodynamics where phase changes of states occur perhaps? Any scientists out there that have thoughts please message me. I also wonder about liminal spaces where both states exists at the same time: like sunset, sunrise, where earth meets water, where masculine, feminine and especially two-spirit energies combine, solar eclipses, the water line at the beach, where lava hits water, where ice melts into water or water freezes into ice? I don’t know. I toy with these ideas and figure if this is meant to happen it will come to me. This all starts to feel very witchy and wizardly and I often pause to wonder if there are some things that shouldn’t be explored. I ask myself what would Jesus do, what would Buddha do, what is best for humanity? And it has always seemed obvious to me to keep exploring and be open, adventurous and following my intuition is the right, helpful and brave thing to do. Especially if this is related to human development and our brain anatomy is actually growing to now sense these things. Soon then science can be applied here and all my fear and bias just needs to be re-examined, challenged, stepped into and consumed as soon all of humanity may just need to do as well.

clearer_agar.0q@icloud.com or you can use the Signal app and find me at BLJ.01

P.S. I have been sitting with this a lot and have remembered a big clue: she was a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation, TM. Now to go down a google rabbit on it..and perhaps this is yet another intersection of this topic and conciousness.

