In case this can help other abductees — what I learned to protect myself from the greys

S. Patterson
3 min readMay 17, 2024


Perhaps this could help other abductees

I was taught some very valuable wisdom by a spiritual teacher that has helped me tremendously. It is a concept that I have adapted, but starts with the idea that either you consume the world or it consumes you. There are only two options. So, I have taken that idea and applied it to my grey abductions. I consume them, they don’t consume me. Unfortunately, there is no middle ground here and if you try to create one, you are allowing them to consume you. It was a very tough thing for me to learn. And also difficult to do it with an open heart and it not become ego or power driven. I consume their energy, they don’t consume mine. Which I do think they greys naturally try to do, like energy vampires, not dissimilar to some coworkers I have dealt with frankly. I deal with them in mostly the same way.

I consume the experiences I have had of them, they aren’t consuming my experience or fear of them, I am. It can frankly get even more graphic and if that is what is needed to protect myself and those I love, and any fellow human or animal frankly, then I will do it. This is pretty wild but drastic times require drastic measures and some such…and most importantly this works for me. And anything that works for me, works for me and after what I have been through, hallelujah for it.

If I start to sense them, I imagine they are my food, I am digesting and metabolizing them just like the amazing grilled cheese sandwich I had for lunch, swallowing them whole. My body breaks them down for nutrients, and they are becoming me; I DO NOT become them. They become fuel for me and my body. They are broken down, metabolized and what I don’t need or doesn’t serve me becomes waste and leaves me. I will NOT become them in any way. I will NEVER become them or fuel for them. EVER.

I do realize how odd this all sounds, and let’s face it, quite disturbingly graphic, but I point to it as an important element to stopping my abductions. For example, when there is a weird sound in the middle of the night at 3 or 4 am, or I feel them intuitively close somehow, or have a flashback of an abduction, I lean toward it and consume it. I don’t let it scare me, or “push me back”, or fill even one small inch of the space I am occupying emotionally, spiritually or physically. I do not cede anything, anything!

It should be noted I also don’t aggressively step my energy toward them out of the blue. I am keeping it neutral within my space unless they step toward me. I think this is very important. Don’t put your ego into it. No need to create some cocky ego-based thing; if anything, do the opposite. It is not about antagonizing them. They will win at that game in my experience, so I strongly advise against that. I hope this is understandable and am quite happy to work with anyone else that is facing unwanted contact. Please reach out to me if so. I am even willing to participate with you. I am not afraid of them anymore and perhaps I can help you or at least lend a friendly ear and of course support you. Maybe we create a wiki or something if needed and would be of value to others — if there is enough interest. There may not be, it seems most people like me are reporting far less encounters these days with beings. or you can use the Signal app and find me at BLJ.01

p.s. July 2024: I have found these concepts and exercises to be very powerful, in some ways similar to my approach above but likely easier to understand, in case this can be of help to others:

