Think critically about how the different news organizations covered the event. How much space or time did the organization use?

2 min readMay 20, 2024



You will need to select a state, national or international news story to analyze. You can use a physical newsprint story, an online news article, news broadcast video, or social media news source. In fact, you must use and cite 3 different sources Find 3 or more media outlets that covered the same event. Make sure the coverage between the mediums is within 7–10 days.

Think critically about how the different news organizations covered the event. How much space or time did the organization use? Was it a top story in all three? Who did they quote? Did they use the same quotes or information? Part 1: Introduction (10%): The introducoon of your paper serves to lay out your ideas and pique the interest of your readers. Be brief but thorough. DO NOT use any personal pronouns in this secoon, sock to the facts.

Try to end with your thesis or controlling statement. Part 2: Literature Review (15%): Here is where you discuss the research sources included in the module AND any addiconal informaon and/or research that you found and their associabon, relevance, and relafon to your topic. You should cover ALL the scholarship/resources that are important to the issue you are wriong about. This should also contain direct or paraphrased quotes wriMen to APA style guidelines. You MUST include viable and relaove quotes.

Part 3: Analysis (15%): (your thoughts, feelings, opinions rooted in facts and examples from the texts, readings, videos, etc.): This is the most important part of the paper! Here is where you refer to and integrate your interpreta6on of the materials and resources. You can begin to use personal pronouns. Don’t forget to cite the material.

Part 4: Conclusion (10%): Begin to discuss, evaluate, and analyze how the all the informacon that you have read, watched, and researched relates to each other. What have you concluded? How do those conclusions relate to your thesis or control statement?

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