Demonstrate your knowledge of oppression by designing an anti-oppression infographic.

3 min readMay 20, 2024


Anti-oppression plan infographic

Purpose This assignment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of oppression by designing an anti-oppression infographic. This infographic aims at promoting equity within the workplace. (USLOs 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.3, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.3) Instructions In this assignment, you will create an infographic that expresses a plan to challenge a type of oppression in the workplace. First, identify a type of oppression you would like to explore.

You may choose from nationalism, racism, ethnocentrism, sexism, genderism, intersexism, and heterosexism.

Then, review the resources provided in Canvas to learn about infographics and how to construct your infographic. Include the following in your infographic: A title featuring the type of oppression you have selected (e.g., “Challenging Sexism in the Workplace”) Your name and college 3 or more ways in which this type of oppression manifests itself in the workplace using specific examples 1 or more major historical or current issues related to this type of oppression (may include relevant examples reported via news media, court cases, and/or legislation) 3 or more ways to recognize privilege and limit this type of oppression in the workplace (supported with research, facts, data, and/or policies) APA-formatted in-text citations and references for 2 or more scholarly or professional sources Besides including all 6 required components listed above, you will also need to design a neat, professional, and visually engaging infographic. Submit your infographic to the dropbox as a PDF or image file.

Infographic Tips

1. Review the tutorials below from recommended, free, online infographic tools.

You may choose one of these applications or any one that you have worked with before: Adobe Spark — “Create Infographics for Free in Minutes” Canva — “How to Make an Infographic” Piktochart — “Create Inspiring Infographics with our Online Infographic Maker”

2. Compile all the information needed to address all prompts in the instructions. Choose credible and reliable sources. Then, start designing your infographic.

3. Choose a variety of visuals and symbols to convey your infographic story. Use a combination of words, images, symbols, numbers, and potentially graphs to share your information in a visually appealing manner.

4. Remember to include APA-formatted in-text citations where needed and provide your full APA-formatted references at the bottom of your infographic.

5. Be creative with designing your infographic, but also make sure that all text is readable and that the design and layout are neat and professional in natures I work at a hospital. HCA in Houston tx

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