Develop a financial plan (using Excel) that responds to the CEO’srequest.

2 min readMay 20, 2024


Healthcare Finance Case Study

For this report, you must review the Chisos Mountains Medical CenterCase Study attached. This is from the textbook: Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations. 8th editionCreate a report in which you:

• Analyze the financial challenges faced by Chisos MountainsMedical Center.

• Develop a financial plan (using Excel) that responds to the CEO’srequest.

• Include a narrative, written analysis, and financial models to support your recommendations. You do not need to use any outside research, but you should closely follow the guidance in the textbook.Submission Deliverables• Written analysis and financial models

• Excel spreadsheet that includes x.Requirements• Length: 6–8 pages, excluding the title page•

References: This case study assignment does not require additional external references. Study the case carefully and use the concepts taught in the textbook to analyze the case. The chapters are copy pasted into the study from reference.The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements and exhibit evidence of concept knowledge.

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