Identify a film that, through a plot line, a scene, a section of dialogue, effectively illustrates a key religious ideal of your choice of topic.

Strictly Writing
2 min readJun 3, 2024


Week 6 — Religious Ideal Movie Task: Throughout the term, you have been introduced to a variety of concepts encased in religion that shape culture and understanding. Based upon the information you have obtained through your studies in our course from weeks one through five, you are to: Identify a film that, through a plot line, a scene, a section of dialogue, effectively illustrates a key religious ideal of your choice of topic. For example, your film might illustrate the details of religious symbolism, religious ritual, or sacred texts in a specific religion that has been discussed in the course. Also, a film that illustrates the details of a sect, cult, new religious movement, or a cosmogony. The topics to choose from are the topics we have covered weeks 1–5 only. Religious Symbols Religious Rituals and Scriptures Sects, Cults, and New Religious Movements Cosmogonies Once you have identified your film you should Give a synopsis of the movie (no longer than two full paragraphs). Indicate clearly the notion you are exploring and how the film supports that idea/belief of your topic choice. Be sure the reader can see how the film supports some aspect of the chosen religious ideal, even if he or she has not seen the movie. Details The paper is to be 3–4 pages, not exceeding 5 pages of text. This is in addition to a title page, if used and the resource page. You should support your discussion by engaging reliable scholarly sources. Use a minimum of three reliable resources in addition to the film you have selected. You will find reliable resources in our library, Google, articles, magazines, and the like. Your paper is to be completed using proper formatting. Your paper will be double spaced, 12 font, indented paragraphs, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You must include in-text citations and a resource page that are documented properly in your formatting style of choice.

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