What do you believe is the most compelling form of media (books, shows, movies, games)?

Strictly Writing
3 min readMay 16, 2024

SUBMIT YOUR WRITING SAMPLE Greetings to our newest author! We’re so excited to have you join our Textbroker team. Now that your account is registered, we will assign you an initial quality rating. To evaluate your skills as a writer, we need you to submit a 250-to-300-word sample article that answers one of our prompts. This article must be completely original content that has never been published elsewhere. Any content that’s off-topic, AI-generated or plagiarized will be rejected, and the account will be deleted. Please note that this is not an application: You should not introduce yourself or your experience. Please only provide the requested writing sample. Basically, we want to see the real writer in you. We want to see you create original and engaging content on the fly about a topic provided to you, much like the orders you will be writing for our clients. After your signup article is accepted, our editors will evaluate your work and assign a 3- or 4-star quality rating. This rating will determine the kind of work you can pick up as well as your price-per-word rate. Don’t worry if you don’t rank as high as you initially thought — our editors regularly evaluate authors, so you will always have the opportunity to get a higher rating! (For more information about our rating system, click here). Please read the instructions of this briefing carefully before you start writing. Your initial quality rating will be determined based on your grammar, writing style and ability to follow the provided instructions. We encourage you to consult our Textbroker Style Guide for guidance on grammar and punctuation; this is the style guide our editors use to rate orders! Please note that your signup can take 5–7 business days to be rated. Choose ONE (1) of the following topics to write about: What do you believe is the most compelling form of media (books, shows, movies, games)? Tell us why. What upcoming movie are you looking forward to this year? Choose a film to be released in 2024. What is your favorite part of your home? Describe it and explain why it’s your favorite. Format 250–300 words Some HTML coding is required. Don’t worry; it’s easier than it sounds! HTML coding must be typed in manually as copying and pasting it from a Word document doesn’t work. STRUCTURE: 1. A unique title for your article, formatted as an H1 header 2. Brief introduction paragraph 3. An H2 subheader after your intro paragraph 4. Another 2–4 paragraphs of body content 5. At least one hyperlink to a relevant page somewhere in the body content (and use relevant anchor text) Tone, Style and Voice Professional but engaging tone. Grab the reader’s attention. American English. You may write in the 1st or 3rd person, but keep it consistent throughout the article. Avoid filler

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