How to Build a Model Website That Can Get You Scouted

3 min readDec 1, 2019


Modeling agencies are always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talents. If you’re an aspiring model, getting scouted by an agency can be the break that you’ve been waiting for. Creating a model website can help you improve your chances of getting scouted. With agents constantly on the lookout for the next supermodel on the internet, an online modeling portfolio is an absolute must-have these days. After all, while a printed portfolio is good when you’re meeting agents in person, a website can help open new work opportunities that you may have slipped your radar.

Create engaging and beautiful modeling websites using Strikingly, the site builder that continues to empower individuals to pursue their passions and display their unique talents to a wider virtual audience.

1. Decide on your niche

The first thing you should do before you work on your model portfolio website is to identify what kind of model you are aiming to become. It’s important to set realistic goals and understand that you may be limited by certain stereotypes. You are most likely going to get projects depending on your body type. For instance, it’s probably even more challenging than usual for petite models to break into high fashion modeling. Fashion houses are probably looking at a certain face and body type to wear their designs. Once you have decided on your niche, the next step is to start developing content for your model website.

2. Get a good photographer

Modeling websites require high quality images so if you have the budget for it, invest in a professional photographer to help you build your online portfolio. You will need to plan out what kind of shots you need. Your portfolio should be well-balanced — containing a variety of shots from different angles. Plan for wardrobe changes to show how versatile you can be.

3. Work on your website

Once you have the material for your model websites ready, the next step is to work on your website. With Strikingly, you don’t have to spend so much to get a professional looking website. You can even start on this platform with a freemium service that lets you get access to a variety of website model templates. Make sure you choose your template wisely. Remember that you will be putting up a gallery of your best shots so it’s advisable to go for a simple and minimalist web template. You don’t need fancy buttons or flash to get your site noticed. The main highlight should be you and your work.

With that said, let your personality shine through by customizing your website to reflect your image. Choose color palettes and fonts that will suit you best. Play around with the site editor and add a gallery section where you can upload all your best shots. Most portfolios would have up to 20 images. Make sure to pick out the absolute best out of all your modeling shots.

4. Build your content

Aside from your photos, you might want to add other visuals that showcase your talent. These can include videos and commercials you may have done in the past. If you have the knack for your writing, you can also start a blog and tell behind-the-scenes stories about your previous projects. Connect your website to your social media accounts as well. This is a good way to direct traffic to and from both platforms, making you even more accessible on the internet. Most models update their social media pages a lot — particularly Instagram. Add an Instagram stream to your Strikingly website to keep it updated as well.

Finally, don’t forget to include your contact details. Agents should have a way to reach you through your website.

Originally published on




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