How A Purple Life retired at age 30 and started an anonymous blog to help anyone retire early on a normal salary

7 min readJul 28, 2023


Who are you and what is your mission in life?

I go by the name Purple, and my life’s journey has been a colorful one — filled with unique experiences and an unwavering mission. Since 2015, I’ve been sharing my adventures, insights, and triumphs surrounding early retirement on my blog, A Purple Life.

At the heart of my mission is a simple yet profound goal: to spread kindness and to relish every moment of life. I firmly believe that being kind to others and oneself can make a significant difference in the world. And to truly enjoy life, I’ve realized that time freedom is crucial. So, I set my sights on achieving financial independence and retiring early from my corporate job at the young age of 30.

The past three years have been nothing short of extraordinary. I’ve embraced the freedom to travel the world, and I’ve made it a habit to move to a new place every month. Currently, I find myself in the vibrant city of Montréal, Canada, enjoying the culture, cuisine, and everything this city has to offer.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my early retirement journey has been the quality time I’ve been able to spend with my family, friends, and loved ones. After the pandemic lockdowns were lifted, I made it a priority to reconnect and strengthen those bonds. The joy of being able to share experiences and create lasting memories with my loved ones has been truly priceless.

Throughout my life, I’ve learned that happiness is not solely about material possessions or a specific status. Instead, it’s about cherishing the present, savoring every new experience, and nurturing meaningful relationships. My early retirement has given me the precious gift of time, and I’ve used it wisely to nurture my passions, explore the world, and deepen my connections with others.

Hold up, how did you retire at age 30?

It all started back in 2013 when my partner introduced me to the concept of early retirement through discussions on Reddit’s personal finance subreddit. At first, I was incredulous. How on earth were people retiring in their 30s? Retirement, for me, meant something you did in your 50s, and that was already considered early.

I was living the fast-paced life in Manhattan, working in marketing, and I felt invincible, thinking I’d deal with retirement savings later. But as time went on, the stress and burnout started creeping in. The long hours, frustration, and exhaustion from the corporate world made me question whether I could sustain this lifestyle for decades to come.

So, I asked my partner to share those early retirement links again, and this time, I took a closer look. I realized that there might be another path for me — one that offered time freedom and the ability to enjoy life while I was still young.

My journey to early retirement began by investing my money in broad-based index funds, particularly the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX). Instead of mindlessly spending my income, I started investing a portion of it, realizing the power of compounding and how it could accelerate my wealth growth.

When I graduated from college, I had saved $5,000 from various jobs. However, after five years of investing consistently in my 401(k) and other funds, I was surprised to see that I had amassed $50,000. The market had contributed to some of the growth, but it was the consistent saving and investing that played a significant role.

During those years, I maintained a balanced approach to life, enjoying what made me happy while being mindful of my expenses. When I moved from Manhattan to Seattle, I cut my living costs in half while maintaining or even improving my standard of living.

Another key element of my journey was job hopping. I continually sought better opportunities, and with each move, my income increased about $20,000. I started with a modest salary of $35,000, barely enough to cover my Manhattan rent. But by the time I reached 30, I was making $115,000.

I didn’t rely on significant raises from my employers; instead, I created my path to financial growth by seeking better-paying positions in my field. It was a series of small, strategic steps that, over time, culminated in my early retirement dream.

So there you have it — investing in index funds, strategic spending, and job hopping were the core strategies that allowed me to retire early and embrace a life of time freedom, adventure, and fulfillment. Now, my days are filled with exploration, travel, and cherishing the moments that truly matter.

For those who don’t know, what is A Purple Life?

When I started the blog, it was primarily a platform to curate and share my own experiences and the steps I was taking to reach my goal. I wanted to show others, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds like myself, that financial independence and early retirement were attainable for many, regardless of race or profession.

At that time, the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement was often associated with white male programmers who were married and had certain advantages in their journey. I saw an opportunity to challenge this stereotype and provide a different example — one of a black woman working in marketing, pursuing financial independence on her own.

Since the inception of my blog, the FIRE community has become more diverse, and I’m glad to see a broader range of examples and perspectives being shared. As a result, my blog’s goal has evolved over time. While I continue to showcase my journey through financial independence and early retirement, the focus now includes sharing what life looks like after reaching that goal.

I believe in being transparent about the financial aspects of my journey, so I’ve remained anonymous online. This anonymity allows me to provide specific number examples for my financial milestones, which can be highly valuable for readers trying to navigate their own financial paths.

Beyond inspiring others on their journey to financial freedom, I’ve also discovered a personal benefit to blogging about my life in retirement. By documenting my experiences, feelings, and reflections, I create a valuable record of my life’s chapters. Looking back at my blog allows me to reminisce about past adventures, recall challenges faced, and gain insights from my own experiences.

Since you started A Purple Life, what has been your most effective strategy to attract and retain followers?

Looking back on the past five years, or even the last eight years, I’ve found that my most successful strategy for growth has been not having a strict strategy at all. Instead, I’ve focused on a few key elements that have contributed to the growth and engagement of my platform.

First and foremost, consistency has played a crucial role. Over the past five years, I have written and published a blog post every single Tuesday without fail. This regularity has built trust and expectation among my readers. They know that every Tuesday, they can expect something new and exciting in their inbox. This consistency has kept my audience engaged and coming back for more.

However, one of the factors that I believe has set me apart is my willingness to embrace randomness and write about what truly excites me. Rather than adhering to a specific niche or catering to trending topics, I have followed my passions and written about the things that genuinely interest me. This authenticity shines through in my content and resonates with my readers.

I don’t approach my blog with the sole intention of optimizing for SEO or trying to target specific trending keywords. Instead, I let my creativity guide me. Whether it’s sharing personal experiences, discussing travel adventures, or exploring various interests like keto food or bagels, I write from the heart. This approach has created a genuine connection with my audience.

Moreover, I only share topics and insights that I feel passionate about. If something excites me, it’s likely to excite my readers as well. This shared enthusiasm fosters a sense of community and encourages engagement and discussions among my followers.

Looking forward to the next 5 years, what are your personal and professional goals?

My primary goal is to continue being a reliable and consistent example of early retirement. I want to be a source of inspiration and guidance for others who are interested in pursuing financial independence and retiring early.

If I’m still around and active in the next five years, it will mean that I have successfully navigated the first major sequence of return risk in my early retirement journey. This period can be critical for early retirees as it may determine whether their financial plans are sustainable in the long run. By sharing my experiences and insights during this crucial phase, I hope to provide valuable information and lessons learned for those who are on a similar path.

One of the unique aspects of my platform is that I share my journey from a first-person perspective, providing real-time updates and reflections on my early retirement experience. I want to continue doing this in the coming years, offering an authentic and transparent view of the challenges and triumphs of early retirement. By sharing my ongoing journey, I hope to contribute to the broader conversation about financial independence and retirement planning.

As for my personal goals, time and freedom remain my top priorities. I plan to continue enjoying the flexibility and adventure that early retirement has afforded me. I want to make the most of my time by exploring new places, engaging in fulfilling activities, and nurturing meaningful relationships.

Overall, my mission is to show what the first five-plus years of early retirement can be like for someone who achieved this milestone at the age of 30. I want to be a living example of how pursuing financial independence can lead to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and genuine happiness. And if challenges arise, I aim to face them head-on and share my strategies for overcoming obstacles and adapting to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, my goal for the future is to continue being a positive and insightful presence in the world of early retirement, sharing my experiences, and contributing to a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Whether it’s celebrating successes or navigating uncertainties, I want to be a resource and a voice of encouragement for those who are on their own journey to financial independence and early retirement.




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