Don’t Ignore the Reminder. How Women Can Follow Smartwatch Instructions and Stay Active.

Strong Sister
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Let’s face it, ladies: Life is hectic.

We are constantly on the go thanks to our jobs, families, and social lives.

Because of the many demands placed on us, we may find it tempting to put our health and happiness on the back burner.

What occurs when our smartwatch prompts us to get up and move around for a minute?

Do we carry out the directive or go on with our day as usual?

We usually comply when our smartwatches remind us to get up and move around.

Although it was developed to assist us in doing what is best for our health, we often choose to disregard its advice.

It’s tempting to tell ourselves that “later” will come around and that we’ll get to it then.

So, the question becomes: how do we get people to stop doing that and start doing what they’re supposed to do?

First, it’s necessary to comprehend the significance of incorporating frequent periods of movement and rest into one’s workday.

Long periods of sitting have been linked to a host of negative health outcomes, such as slouched posture, chronic back pain, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The solution is simple: just get up and move around every once in a while.

Creating a deadline for yourself is one way to guarantee you’ll complete the task as directed.

You could make it a point to get up and move around every hour.

Having a clear endpoint in mind can keep you on track and make it much simpler to form a habit.

A further suggestion is to add fun elements to getting up and moving around.

Walking around the block, doing some stretches, or even dancing to your favorite song could do the trick.

If you can find an activity you look forward to, you may be more likely to complete the task as instructed.

It’s also helpful to remember that getting up and moving around doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor.

If you want to make it more fun and stay motivated, invite a friend or coworker to join you.

The last piece of advice is to pay attention to your physical sensations.

In the same way that getting up and moving around can help if you’re tired, you can take a break to rest.

Your health and happiness should be your top priority, so don’t overextend yourself.

So, gals, let’s prioritize our health and well-being.

Let’s not ignore our smartwatches when they tell us to get up and move around for a minute.

Getting up and moving around more frequently can become second nature if we commit to it, make it fun, and pay attention to our bodies.

Never forget that even the smallest of adjustments can significantly impact our health and happiness.



Strong Sister

Strong Sister blog empowers women's health & wellness with tips on fitness, nutrition, stress mgmt & daily inspiration by Certified Coach Evita Julissa Rodulfo.