Automatically capture and nurture Facebook leads with a Messenger Bot

Nathan Joens
3 min readAug 10, 2016


Social media marketing plays an increasingly important role in your real estate business. But are you seeing the ROI you are after?

This article will walk you through some of the most powerful Call-to-Actions (CTAs) and advertising techniques to driving and converting messages to your Facebook business page.

Below is an example of the powerful advertising we will be creating for your real estate Facebook business page.


Your call to action defines the result you want from your Facebook ad. Wether you want to send them to your website, get them to sign up or push them to send you a message — aligning your CTA is step one to a high converting ad.

Defining your marketing objective gives you certain CTAs to use

Boosting Your Send Message CTA

Messaging on Facebook is an increasingly important strategy for your business. In fact:

1 BILLION messages have been sent to Facebook business pages.

1 BILLION people use Facebook

1 BILLION people use Facebook Messenger

It’s safe to say when you promote sending messages to your business page, you will have an audience. So let’s show you how to do just that.

Hover over your page’s CTA and select the “Promote” link

Go into your Facebook page’s dedicated CTA and hover over it. If it is currently not set to “Send Message” like you see above, the data from Facebook highly suggests you change it to say just that.

Once it’s set to Send Message hover over it and hit the “Promote” button link.

Ad Creative

Set your ad image and text body and header

Now you can change your ad’s image and text body and header. Make it short sweet and to the point (and the point is to get them to send you a message).

Ad Audience

Defining your audience is an entire science that will be written about in a follow up post :). Setup your audience to reflect those that you are specifically targeting to achieve your highest ROI. Really go after your highest converting clientele — use those that you’ve already closed with and setup a Lookalike Audience.

Setup your Facebook Ad’s audience to mimic those that produce you a high ROI

Promoting Your New Ad With A Facebook Messenger Chatbot

Now for the AI part :) What’s more powerful than a highly targeted ad dedicated to sending your business page lead conversations?

A dedicated real estate chatbot that lives on your business page setup to chat with your new leads

To set this up like you’ll see in the video below, you’ll need Holmes the real estate chatbot from Structurely. Holmes will automatically respond to leads from your Facebook Ad that you just created, just like in the video below.

Example of how a Facebook Chatbot can instantly respond to leads from your Ads

Once you’re signed up for Structurely you’ve now successfully created and are driving conversations to your Facebook page, which will automatically and intelligently be serviced and passed off to you by your very own real estate chatbot.

You are truly the agent of the future and for that we at Structurely salute you. Send us a message once you’ve created your own chatbot + Facebook Ad campaign at and we will send you some exclusive info on promoting your page even further!

Keep turning conversations into closings!

