Oddities Observed On Outings #16
Some are easily explained; others, not so.
In this continuing series I’m looking at things seen when out walking. Some of these objects will be familiar to certain readers, but many are likely to be unfamiliar to most. I’m presenting those that caught my attention perhaps by their unusual placing, incongruity, idiosyncrasy, or simply their oddness.
This group of photos features individual items of clothing discovered in the forest on our more-or-less daily walks. The hats and hairband I can easily surmise were either blown off by the wind or caught in some overhanging branches. But the bra? That must’ve been deliberately removed for whatever purpose. Not replaced, but discarded close to a place where cars often park. What might the occupants of that specific car have been up to? I leave that to your imagination!
Many good writers publish great stories on Medium. Here are just a few: Penny Frances, P.J. MacLayne, Penny Grubb, Linda Acaster, Brian Lageose, Madeleine McDonald, Susan Alison, Erica Verrillo, Dennett, Samantha Bryant, Poppy, Kenny…