A Comprehensive Guide To Wasp Control

AIM Environmental Services
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Summer heat = more wasps It’s not pleasant to think about, but it is true. The summer months are when wasps can be most active. Many new babies are being born, colonies are beginning, and there are new mouths to feed. This means there will be wasps living in backyards all across the country during warm weather months. Mobile is no exception. Pest Control can be reached at any time by mobile homeowners to help them with wasp prevention. We’ve got you covered! Your family will be safe this summer from any stings.

Wasps In Mobile

There are many species worldwide of wasps. The mud daubers are mobile’s most common wasp species. Each of these groups has many species. These wasps will be described in general.

Bald-facehornets can be black or white with white markings on their bodies and faces. They are aggressive just like other wasps.

Mud daubers are the most aggressive. They can be found in small groups and build small nests out of mud. You can find them in many colors, including yellow with yellow markings and blue.

The paper wasps are slender, brown-colored wasps that have yellow stripes. The nests look similar to paper and can be found on the outside of buildings as well as in trees and shrubs.

Yellowjackets are known for being aggressive wasps. They can nest in exterior walls, playsets and bushes, or underground. They can be either black or yellow.

Wasps in your Yard

If wasps are found in your yard, you can expect two things: one, they may have a nest nearby. It is possible that the wasps are planning to build their nest in your yard. If you find a nest of wasps, we recommend that you call us. Pest Control can safely wasp nest removal birmingham It is likely that you will be stung every time this task is attempted by you. If you do not find a nest, there are steps you can take that will prevent wasps from coming to your yard.

They should have limited access to food. Sugar and protein are the two most sought-after foods for wasps.

Seal the trash can and clean the surrounding area.

Don’t forget to eat and drink outside.

You can even plant flowers in places other than your home or children’s play area.

Spills of food and drinks, especially sweet drinks like soda, juice, or liquor, should be removed immediately.

  • They should not be allowed to build a nest.
  • Trim the grass and any other foliage.
  • Get rid of all sticks, stumps, and woodpiles in your yard.
  • For nest-building signs, check the eaves at every home.
  • Closed structures like garages and sheds are protected against wasps so that they can’t make nests.

Wasp protection and removal

Pest Control is a great way to prevent wasps. If you’ve been stung multiple times or have allergies to wasps, the pain and danger from stinging can be very severe. We have been removing nests of wasps from homes just like yours for years. We know how important safety is for you and want to make sure you have a safe summer.

