What would you be doing if the Internet hadn’t been invented?

Stuart Hall
2 min readApr 28, 2015


We are renovating our kitchen at the moment, with the awkward small talk that goes along with having tradespeople in your home, I was asked:

What would you be doing if the internet hadn’t been invented?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this question over the last couple of weeks. The Internet has given me amazing opportunities to be a founder of companies where I have worked with amazing people.

It’s given me the opportunity to work remotely from home and be there to see my kids grow up, see them take their first steps and be there to drop them off on their first day of school.

It’s allowed me to talk to amazing customers that have given me feedback that has directly shaped the products I have worked on, like Appbot.

I actually started my professional career as an engineer in a shirt and tie, working for the man. I was never a great employee.

If the Internet hadn’t been invented I probably would either still be an engineer in a shirt and tie, miserable in my cubical, or I would be mowing lawns.

I’m privileged to be living in a generation where the Internet and App Store have become such essential parts of everyday lives.

What would you be doing if the Internet hadn’t been invented?



Stuart Hall

Co-founder & CEO @ https://appbot.co : Automated, actionable customer feedback insights at scale