Damaged Goods

Stuart Pollard
1 min readJun 13, 2017


When I was at Primary school I was a ‘high performing’’ student. I didn’t know what ‘high performing’ meant. I loved school.

Around the age of 13, I my teachers labelled me as being an ‘arts’ student. My maths got worse and I soon fell out of love with science

By the age of 15, I was not enjoying school. I had been told that half of what I was studying (maths, biology, chemistry, physics, technical drawing) was not my strength. I started to resent being at school. I went on to skip a lot of school and flunk my ‘A’ levels. Fortunately I found a university that would accept me. However, my university experience was tainted by school experience, and I did not excel.

Today I have two masters level degrees with distinctions.

I have run schools, trained teachers managed large teams. I am a passionate mental arithmetician. I have a pretty good understanding of science and the world around me. I have managed school budgets of millions of pounds.

School did not fail me.

It did label me and limit me.

It damaged me.

Let’s make every student ‘high performing’.

