Clear Evidence of a Soul in the NDE of the Blind

Stuart Zachary Steinberg
3 min readJan 17, 2023


The clearest evidence that Near Death Experience (NDE) is real comes form NDE’s who are blind from birth. Yet during their NDE they can see perfectly. How can medical science explain this? They cannot. It is clearly not a hallucination or dream. People who are blind from birth do not dream or hallucinate with sight. They cannot. They have no experience of seeing.

As Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper of the University of Connecticut who carried out the study called “Near Death and Out of Body experience in the Blind: A Study of Apparent Eyeless Vision” they found that 15 out of 21 blind NDEer’s report some type of sight. Here is a quote from two blind from birth individuals who claim sight during their NDE.

“Still another man, this one blind from birth, found himself in an
enormous library during the transcendental phase of his NDE and
saw “thousands and millions and billions of books, as far as you could
see.” Asked if he saw them visually he said, “Oh, yes!” Did he see
them clearly? “No problem.” Was he surprised at being able to see
thus? “Not in the least. I said, ‘Hey, you can’t see,’ and I said, ‘Well,
of course I can see. Look at those books. That’s ample proof that I
can see.’”
Typically, vision is reported as clear, even acutely so, by our respondents in the otherworldly domain, where seeing is often described as “perfectly natural” or “the way it’s supposed to be.”
However, sometimes the initial onset of visual perception of the
physical world is disorienting and even disturbing to the blind. This
was true for Vicki, for example, who said:
I had a hard time relating to it [i.e., seeing]. I had a real difficult
time relating to it because I’ve never experienced it. And it was
something very foreign to me. . . . Let’s see, how can I put it into
words? It was like hearing words and not being able to understand
them, but knowing that they were words. And before you’d never
heard anything. But it was something new, something you’d not been
able to previously attach any meaning”

The fact that many of these cases exist and even more since the printing of this study in the 1990’s shows that NDE is a real experience and medical science has a very difficult time explaining with it current understanding. Dr. Ring concludes his study with the following:

“What the blind experience is more astonishing than the claim that
they have seen. Instead, they, like sighted persons who have had
similar episodes, have transcended brain-based consciousness altogether and, because of that, their experiences beggar all description
or convenient labels. For these we need a new language altogether,
as we need new theories from a new kind of science even to begin
to comprehend them. Toward this end, the study of paradoxical and
utterly anomalous experiences plays a vital role in furnishing the
theorists of today the data they need to fashion the science of the
21st century. And that science of consciousness, like the new millennium itself, is surely already on the horizon”

Medical science cannot explain it. But the these blind individuals from birth who experience sight and perfect vision point to the existence of a soul. It is their soul who sees even if their body cannot. So if the experience of blind NDE’rs show that the their experience is real then their claim that their soul left their bodies should also be real. For people who have an NDE they claim it is as real to them as this life and their feeling that it was real can last their entire lifetime. This is very different from any induced hallucination which sane people realize they were hallucinating once the hallucination stops. So for people who are blind from birth and experience an NDE their ability to see when they never could before points to something otherworldly and that something is a soul.

