The Implication that Information is Fundamental from which Space/Time Emerges

Stuart Zachary Steinberg
2 min readApr 16, 2023

Scientists who study quantum mechanics say that the physical universe is emergent from information. According to this information is fundamental and the physical universe is emergent and a derivative from that information.

Seth Lloyd, an MIT professor specializing in quantum information, says in an interview with Robert Lawrence Kuhn in the show Closer to the Truth:

“ So, what is the universe? The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information in a systematic fashion and that can do everything a computer can do.”

He sees that the universe is like a computer as a scientific fact and not just a metaphor.

Raphael Bousso, a string theorist at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks information is not just a tool to measure rather it is a primary constituent of what is happening in the world.

Physicist Paul Davies says,

“Historically, matter has been at the bottom of the explanatory chain, and information has been a sort of secondary derivative of it. He added “Now there’s increasing interest among at least a small group of physicists to turn this upside down and say, maybe at rock bottom, the universe is about information and information processing, and it’s matter that emerges as a secondary concept.”

Vlatko Vedral of the University of Oxford says,

“It’s suggestive that you will find information processing at the root of everything.”

If these scientists are correct then where did that information come from? It is not from natural or physical processes. Information comes from a mind. Quantum mechanics is showing that the materialistic worldview of space time is wrong. They emerge from information. In our everyday experience we know all information comes from a mind. A program on a computer is first thought of by a computer programmer in his or her mind. The writer of a book first conceives of the idea in his or her mind. If information is fundamental to the universe and the universe emerged from that information, then where did that information come from? It is reasonable to infer it came from a universal mind. We can also call this universal mind the mind of God.

