Eternal story of Love Part — 1

Peeyush Kumar
3 min readJun 20, 2020


Picture Credit — Tomasz Alen Kopera

Part I — Search for Eternal Love

Part I.i

In this eternal search for Love
The glimpse come as a sweeping breeze -
Electrifying yet relaxing,
Uplifting yet grounding,
Vast yet specific.

And when the solar light diminishes but just a speckle of memory
And the breath returns inside the body
And life dissolves into another cycle of Samsara
The question remains
Where is love?

Love is
And This is the story of eternal love
Not just the story of falling in love
For falling in love is too limited to capture the story of Love.

This is the story of being love
Not loving
For the object of love is too finite for Love.

This is the story beyond form and beyond feelings
For far greater tales of form and feelings have been written
This is the eternal story of Light and Nature
The Love story of Light and Nature.

To understand this story, we have to understand what is Love.
Love is.
It is attractive but not just attractive
It is romantic but not just romantic
It is playful but not just playful
It is affectionate but not just affectionate
It is familial but not just familial
It lasts a lifetime but not just a lifetime
It is universal but not just universal

It is the energizing principle of Life, the Life Divine.
It is the energy within the unmanifest that manifests.
It is the energy of the universe which puts space into motion.
The energy which motivates the stars and planets, atoms and elements, minerals and plants, animals and humans.
For no higher radiance is known than the radiance of Light in Nature
This is the glory of Love which is passionate in Nature.

It is said, nothing can be known of that
Unless that already exists
Love is known because it exists.

Part I.ii

As is said nothing can be known of that
Unless that already exists.
To Love something is to know and feel It completely.
In knowing is sung the ballad
To which the subject of ballad is attracted
For it always existed but manifests in the call
This is the highest principle of Attraction
For no higher attraction is known than how Nature is attracted to Light
This is the magnetism of Love which is attractive in Light.
Love is the Cosmic Magnet.

Love is known because it exists,
To Love something is to know and feel It completely.
This is the ultimate principle of analysis and synthesis.
In this is the sacrifice of birth and death
playing times and times over,
In this is the story of Life of Love.

The highest act of Love is sacrifice but not just for the sake of sacrifice.
Two are the greatest sacrifices and greatest acts of Love
The sacrifice of birth and the sacrifice of death
The loving act of birth and the loving act of death
For only these two are comprehensible
And everything else experiences love as union
of the form of Two in its myriad emanations.

Two are the greatest sacrifices and acts of Love -
One is when Man as an infant separates from the security of the waters of the womb
To live as a separate individual,
For as a separate individual
The infant experiences life in the unknown
And the universe once again is conscious of itself,
One that never was and never will be;
Another is when man leaves his body to be one with All,
For as a man full of life becomes Life itself
And the universe once again is absolute,
One that always was and always will be.

One is the journey of the human
from Unconscious Unity to a Conscious Duality
Where the human becomes an individualized soul
Becoming Conscious of the Light in Nature.
Another is the journey of the soul
From Conscious Duality to Conscious Unity
Where the soul realizes the Divine
Becoming Conscious of Nature in Light.

One is the story of how Light fell in Love with Nature.
Another is the story of how this Love story becomes Eternal.

