Blog Post 5

1 min readApr 20, 2022


Choose one of the chapters, videos, or essays that we’ve covered over the last several weeks of the course and write a 400–600 word response. Your response is just that — your response. You can talk about any aspect of the course content that want to talk about: was there something that you had additional questions about that you want to try to write your way through? Did we discuss something in class that you would like to continue exploring further? Was there something that we didn’t get to talk about that you wanted to share your thoughts on? Anything works, as long as you haven’t written about it before.

Post your response on Medium, and then copy/paste the URL into this discussion thread. Then, select two (2) of your colleagues’ blog posts to respond to and write a 100–200 word response to their ideas. You can reply directly on their post in Medium or here within the Blackboard discussion thread.

(removed 5/10/22)

