Short-Story: The Life of Nouki

1 min readAug 26, 2023


Originally posted on 21/12/2011
Author: Naferatu

Nouki lived surrounded by books; piles and piles of coloured hardcovers against a wall, shelves too full to fit any other volume. He liked to read about selfless heroes and strong, independent women; prodigious children and futuristic scenarios.

His books were his only friends.
No one wanted to play with Nouki and Nouki wanted to play with nothing but his hardcover books. They were good not only to read, but to make castles as well, big, huge, strong forts that kept everything and everyone inside it safe. He called it ‘The Bubble’.

Nouki’s family was wealthy, he wore the best clothing and slept in the best bed, his shoes always shone and there was a maid to attend all his wishes. Except that maid was all but jobless, Nouki needed nothing but his books.

You’d think he ate paper, and perhaps you were right to think so.
He was an only child, parents too busy to love him, so he loved like he knew, in loneliness and quietude. Nouki loved his books.




Multimedia Studio, using analog techniques to create art, since 2016. This profile is a combination of original scripts, history facts, and stories of ye-old.