Pieter Henry
2 min readAug 20, 2018
Church of Water, Hokkaido.

Tadao Ando developed his own philosophy of design by incorporating the architecture of designers like Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier with the ideals of Japanese Religion and tradition.

The infinity and inspiration he felt with that style of architecture created a design that focuses on spatial circulation, simplicity and openness.

Even though he uses complex geometric shapes the buildings he designs hold light and shadow in a reverent way to reflect the religious teachings and traditions he grew up with.

© 663 Highland/ Wikimedia Commons, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

His buildings are known for their use of natural light and for following the natural form of the landscape and area around them. They are not meant to disrupt the natural beauty but to enhance. Inside these structures Ando desire is for people to connect with them spiritually.

Atama Daibustu (The Buddha Head) at Takino Cemetery

“The house is the locus of heart (kokoro), and the heart is the locus of god. Dwelling in a house is a search for the heart (kokoro) as the locus of god, just as one goes to church to search for god.”

Jin Baek, Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space.

Church of Light.