7 Things I Learned from Tyler Hynes

Ellie Joy
8 min readJun 11, 2024


(and I know I’m not the only one)

If you haven’t heard of Tyler Hynes, perhaps you’re missing out.

From a casting standpoint, the more I reviewed many of Tyler’s “critical” movie scenes, along with random interview snippets, the more intrigued I became. He’s become something of a hero type to a wide age demographic, based upon impressive decisions he makes on-screen and off screen. While I honestly detest the idea of fandom, I’ve learned so much in my reviews that I’m left wondering if maybe someday I should thank him for the examples and lessons he taught me without trying.

While fairly new to Hallmark compared to other leading men, inside Hallmark he’s already referred to as one of the “Golden Boys,” while outside Hallmark he’s called a “Hallmark Hunk.” But I opened a big can of something (the complete opposite of worms!!) when I noticed that while this guy has an impressively loyal group of followers, he’s actually just as loyal to them as they are to him! It’s a rocking phenomenon I’m itching to share. He’s incredibly more than meets the eye.

Before I go further, I want to plainly state I have zero connections to this man. After having directed a few short films, it’s simply become habit for me to study up on actors and acting styles of those who’ve made impressions on me or to the masses. Often though it’s their personal life and character that shapes a lot on how versatile they can be in on-screen acting. So on that note, here are the 7 lessons I learned from Tyler Hynes that I wish more people — me included — would embrace:

#1 — The highest calling is love and kindness

Tyler has a heart of gold that has clearly become his compass in life, and he lives this out in more ways than I could possibly list in this article. When he says he cares about his enthusiasts, he’s not kidding. He attends several days long conferences where hundreds stand in line for hours to get a short conversation, autograph, selfie, and a hug. This is far beyond the norm for most actors, but he seems to live for making someone’s day, and I could not be more impressed. Tyler not only creates some of the most enjoyable BTS (behind the scenes) videos I’ve seen, but also creates video compilations of the many cards, photos and gifts received from his enthusiasts, to thank them. He also gives away production wardrobes and sits through what I consider to be some of the craziest of interviews — and still comes back again, just because they asked him! I’m 100% convinced Tyler uses acting as a means to the end, and that end for him is to show kindness and share joy. The amount of patience he shows to make someone’s day is nothing short of amazing. His boatload of patience and kindness has brought about a new standard for positivity and kindness. Now if I find myself losing even a little bit of patience, I ask myself how I can focus on how I might add joy to those around me as opposed to staying solely focused on my own (frustrating) tasks. You know what? I get undeniably positive results every time and am always glad I did it. Thanks for the example, Tyler! (No wonder your enthusiasts are so loyal.)

#2 — Emotional intelligence (EQ) is KING

The first thing I noted while studying Tyler’s acting was his incredibly high level of emotional intelligence. If you’re not familiar with what emotional intelligence entails, I suggest you look into it. It’s called “EQ” for short, and it helps people on every level of life, but especially in relationships. It’s something most successful actors learn (intentional or not; more on that in a later article). There are many different acting techniques out there, but high EQ is pretty much like a league all its own. When it comes to romance, it seems casting tries to sum things up with “chemistry” being present or not, often failing to recognize someone with a high level of EQ will always — and I mean, always — get a positive and natural, sincere response from others. High EQ people just naturally know how to bring that “it” factor. Thus, people with high EQ are hard to forget. They not only know themselves (or in Tyler’s case, each individual character he plays,) but they respond differently every time. I gauged Tyler’s responses in several movies, noting his profound “in the moment” presence. What all those women adore in his acting is his in the moment stance with a natural (and ok, somewhat husky) voice, with a slow response and steady gaze that makes viewers believe the leading lady is profoundly “seen” and heard. Decades ago, EQ was widely written into characters in film scripts, but today it’s sadly rare. Thankfully Tyler adds EQ in with every character he plays, and every script changes he makes (and fortunately Hallmark lets him). This accounts for why even the grandmas and great grandmas think of him so highly and adore him as their “favorite” — just check out his FB or YT if you don’t believe me. I wonder if Hallmark realizes what a gem they have, or that EQ is the reason his script changes are boosting the success of their movies he stars in, or why many of his enthusiasts are smitten. So while I’ve known how EQ correlates with acting, Tyler’s on and off-screen presence has become a new reminder as to how much farther I’ll (or we all can) advance when EQ is engaged. Small “script” changes in our character can go a long way for effect! In a nutshell, “emotional intelligence” is what many therapists and counselors try to convey when it comes to building positive relationships, even if they don’t use those words.

#3 — Nothing beats a good and positive love story

We all wish relationships were easy, but the twists that turn romance into love are where the magic can really happen. Sure, in Tyler’s characters it’s all “movie magic,” but for so many, a good and positive love story brings hope to a healing heart. I could go on about that, but let’s just say what one focuses on helps or detracts from healing. In an interview, Tyler admitted he has an aversion to movies with cheating. Makes sense. After all, what good is romance or love when cheating enters? But it’s funny how Hallmark made an entire movie out of him slowly stealing his brother’s fiancé away, without ever even trying. According to the well-written storyline, the lady never knew a love note was left in a book where she listed out her dreams, stashed away and forgotten for some 20 years, while patient Tyler (aka “David”) who wrote a love note after reading her dreams, lived out her dreams alone, and was there to remind her decades later of what she really wanted in life. (No tears; just cheers!) That was, “It Was Always You” and it had me guessing Tyler changed the script (adding EQ, of course). An interview I heard later proved me right, and while I was proud my guess was correct, it had me reconsidering how a relationship plays out over time is much sweeter than any romance itself. It’s never about how things start out, but much more about strength and growth. Now, I’m craving more. I think we all are. So whether or not they star Tyler Hynes, I want more movies that show true love doesn’t die — for the singles and the married to enjoy, equally. I’m over newly budded romances. Romance and love can be vastly different, and only love stands the test of time. (Feel free to comment with your favorite movies along those lines below, please.)

#4 — Not all business practice standards are tried and true

Prior to 2018, in the Pre-Tyler days of Hallmark, little-to-no facial hair restriction seemed always in order. Thankfully, after a few runs, they let him branch out. That traditional rule-breaking turned out to be a great success. Perhaps traditional preferences aren’t really as set in stone as we think. I know for myself that aside from casting, I’ve traditionally disliked facial hair on men, or so I thought, but like the Hallmark audience, I’ve embraced the transformation. I guess both companies and people can get stuck in a rut. Now I’m committed to noticing my “rut rules” of common preferences and specifically stretch to try something completely different. Big wins come after trying new and different things, and I’ll admit those types of wins have been very successful. Maybe they can be for you too.

#5 — There are reasons for the famous to keep their relationship a secret!

This is a rarity. Tyler has perfected the art of concealing this in all his crazy interviews and professional conversations, and I sincerely applaud him for it! Relationships take time to grow and most of us regular people couldn’t imagine attempting to grow a relationship in front of the world. Hearing random people’s opinions who haven’t a clue on what’s really going on sounds worse than enemy input. So, while I’d love to know how happy Tyler is with someone wonderful, I respect his privacy and don’t need to know. I hope nobody ever pokes around long enough to be disrespectful in finding out. Whether he does it to look “available” or he’s just that dang smart to keep things tame for a lover in his life, Tyler has plenty to share with followers without any relationship details. I hope eventually other actors follow suit.

#6 — When you trust your [production] company, then grow your potential

A podcast interviewer asked Tyler about how he “chooses” roles within Hallmark. Tyler wisely responded with an approach of trust for the overall production company, stating “no” might stunt his growth as an actor. That statement has me assessing how most people today in a career choose tasks based upon what they’re used to or comfortable with; the equivalent of “type-casted” in the production world. But Tyler has an insatiable interest in growth (common among those with high EQ!), and it’s inspiring. I now look at each day and project as if attempting to add to my resume, challenging myself on how I can grow most in whatever task is at hand. This may be opposite the “above my pay grade” adage, but stunting growth always stunts overall potential. Thanks for yet another great tip, Tyler!

#7 — Men close to their mother can absolutely be a good thing

Martha Stewart might be famous for saying, “it’s a good thing,” but it’s my response to seeing just how close Hynes is to his mother! I must admit that prior to studying Tyler’s acting, I’d thought of adults who consistently remained close to their parents as a not so good thing (mostly due to my life experiences, true). There is almost a stigma to it as well. But once again, Tyler’s approach has taught me something new. The relationship he has with his mom is shown in social media videos with her support of him at events, and in his own BTS footage where she is avidly included. He even shared how she courageously expressed her thoughts to him on his acting, requesting he “be more charming” and “less of a horrible human being.” In a Hallmark movie? Somehow that’s not registering as possible in my brain, but his mother believes it’s very possible for him, and I think that’s nothing less than adorable. (I still await Hallmark finally deciding to put this endearing mother in a cameo and know many will applaud!) Tyler openly cherishes his family as much as his acting, and people eat it up. After all, where love exists, drama ceases, and that’s far better self-promotion than anything else!

In summary, while many actors become icons, Tyler Hynes has purposefully distinguished his own iconic brand, and he’s as heartfelt as the Hallmark movies he appears in. His humble and unassuming ways bare record of character traits I’m very grateful to see in the public eye, and it’s more inspiring than any of his movies. I found his above examples worth repeating and hope you do too.



Ellie Joy

From leadership to media, with several things in between.