20 Lessons I learned When I turned 20 (Part 1)

5 min readJan 21, 2024


I just turned 20 and I learned many different lessons along the journey. Here are the 20 life lessons I learned when I turned to 20.

We are continuously learning. Life gives us limitless lessons to grow year after year. So, I decided to share these 20 lessons that I got when I turned to 20, so you’ll be ready to face them.

1. No One Cares

We are usually shy or uncomfortable to do something. It could be making a mistake on presentation, speaking inappropriate words unexpectedly, or even to be silly sometimes.

We care what other people will think about us if we do this or that. But in reality, no one is not free enough to care us.

Everyone is busy thinking about themselves. Do you remember someone in your class making a silly mistake? Well, it’s 99% sure that you won’t remember. But if you do, that’s just a funny memory, not to be embarrassed about.

No one actually cares. Just do everything you want. Apply that job, ask that question, answer the job interview like you know everything, talk to people like you’ll never meet again.

At the end of the day, no one cares about you. And it feels free to do whatever you want

peaceful life, life lesson, calm lifestyle
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

2. Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

This is a big problem among young people as we have unlimited social media access. We see what others are doing and achieving. So we compare with them.

The truth is we come from different background. We’re going to different goals and dreams. Everyone is unique and that’s beautiful (physically, mentally, and in life).

There’s no point of comparing ourselves to others. What you have to do is compare “the TODAY you” with “the TOMORROW you”.

This mindset will change your life!

3. Things Happen for a Reason

Good things happen because you deserve it. Bad things happen because it needs to happen and it’s a requirement for your dream life.

Things that you want don’t happen because something better is waiting for you.

Look, this is just a way of thinking. And how peaceful your life would be if you think that way. And things actually works in that way in this reality.

Don’t overthink about things. Don’t blame for anything, anyone. Just know that everything happens for a reason.

4. Be Grateful for Everything

Life without gratitude is like a family who doesn’t love each other. Do you feel grateful for anything today? Probably not!

I practice gratitude starting from last year and my mood changes over time. It’s not about being grateful for big achievement.

Instead, you should feel grateful that you wake up today, you can enjoy your meal, you feel healthy, you’re listening to your favorite song, you’re with your friends, and other small things.

This peaceful thought attract other peaceful thought and your life gets peaceful. It sounds cliche but you should try it for a week.

5. Take Care of Yourself

It’s never too early to take care of yourself, your mind, and your body. But, if it’s too late, it’s too late. You know what I mean.

Take care of your diet system, take care of your mental health, take care of your body, take care of your lifestyle, take care of your happiness. You’ll never regret for doing this.

And you can’t rely on other people to do this for you. At the end of the day, you have only you and you’ve to build yourself as someone you can rely on.

6. Everyone has Different Perspectives

Everyone views things differently and that’s okay. Do not argue with them for having different perspectives.

Do not waste your energy on persuading people to only accept your opinion.

In some cases, no one is wrong but we just see things differently. If you can accept the fact, you won’t take anything personal.

Because it’s a universal fact.

7. Good things take time (The Better, The Longer)

When something takes too much time to achieve or to accomplish, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You just need to patient with the process. It could be pursuing a career, a job, a person, or your dream body.

Never force something to happen. Be patient with your journey towards your goals. Everything has its timing and trust the process.

Your responsibility is to determine the end goal and enjoy the process of trying to achieve that goal. The real happiness lies in the process.

8. Prioritize yourself

You’re responsible for yourself but no one else. You know yourself the best. You know what you want. You know what you don’t want.

Now what you have to do is to always choose to do things that align with your wants and desire. Don’t be a people pleaser. Be a self lover.

Always prioritize your wants, your desires, your situation, your health.

Give yourself time, energy, love, attention, and all. You deserve them from you before you can accept them from another person.

9. Embrace being alone

Most people feel ashamed or lonely to be alone. But let’s think of it this way. You’ll always meet significant someone in you lifetime, I mean at some point of your life.

Before that enjoy the life of being single, enjoy being alone. Get to know yourself more.

We find out a lot of interesting facts about ourselves when we’re spending time alone. We realize our hobbies, interest, personalities, and what we actually enjoy doing.

You can’t get those freedom and lifestyle when you’re with someone else. You call it “in a relationship”.

Enjoy every second of being alone.

10. Make peace with your parents (My biggest lesson I’ve learned lately)

This is something you must do at this age. Everyone has different problems with their parents. We didn’t mean it but we have that feeling.

Find out your feelings and problems with your parents. Communicate with them. Say them your feelings and emotions.

You don’t deserve to carry this heavy load for the whole life.

If you feel guilty about something that you did to your parents, ask them to forgive you. If you think they give you some forms of trauma, forgive them.

I say this because we young people are too familiar with the word, “Trauma”, and we have different kinds of trauma that we got from our parents, big or small.

Don’t blame them as they’re trying their best to grow a human like you. They didn’t get training for this.

Forgive them, communicate with them, show them love. At the end of the day, they’re your parents and they love you infinitely.

I’ll share the next 10 life lessons in the next blog as I don’t want this to be too long and boring.

I hope you could learn something from me and see you soon!




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