4 Tips to Build Effective Morning Routine and Night Routine in 2024

4 min readJan 5, 2024


Have you ever considered to adapt a morning or night routine to increase your productivity? If so, this is an article you have to read! So, you can learn from my mistakes and you can see your highest potential in 2024.

Last year, I tried to have a morning routine and night routine. I tried to build it consistently but I knew that something is off because I don’t feel productive. Instead, I felt tired and didn’t feel a lot of work done.

Just like you, I was learning from other bloggers and motivation speakers to create a morning routine. So in December, I tried to figured out what’s wrong with my routines.

And these are the things you must know to have a morning and night routines that will actually work in your daily life.

I’ll put my routines at the end of the blog post.


Are you a morning bird or night owl? This is important because you need to know what time your productivity boosts.

If you’re a morning person like me, your morning routine is the good time to start doing a hard job.

But you’re a night person who has more focus at night, your morning routine should be something shallow.

Below are the tips you can follow.

Photo by Laura Cleffmann on Unsplash


Your sleep schedule shouldn’t be a mess if you want to consistent with your routines. You need energy to follow those routines and sleep is one of the sources.

Find out when you can sleep and wake up consistently. The study shows that people should sleep between 11pm and 7am. But it’ll be an exception if you’re a night owl. So, it all depends on you.

However, give yourself at least 7hours of sleep. And take 15 to 30mins naps in the afternoon.

Remember you need energy to finish all the tasks you give to yourself in your planner.


This is a habit you should build only if you want to sharpen your focus. Doing it constantly will clear your mind. Your instinct will know exactly what you should do or shouldn’t do.

It’s a good way to start building will power.

I recommend putting it in your morning and night routine. If you struggle with it, start so small. Start meditating one minutes. If you can do it that, start practicing deep breathing for three times.

Later, you can practice meditation longer and easier.

For me, I meditate with some affirmations and gratitude in the morning. It puts me in a positive mood. In the evening, I do longer session by focusing on my mind. It calms down me to forget about the daytime problems and to sleep well at night


Routines are more about building habits. The purpose is to do those habits in autopilot mode.

You have to exactly know what you want to build in those routines.

For example, do you want to read more books, do you want to meditate, do you want to learn a new skill, so on.

But know the purpose. And know whether the task need a lot of focus or a slow work.

For me, reading is a slow work that I do to wind down my day right now. But when I started building that habit, it needed focus and time. So I did it when my focus was at peek.


(In my case, I’m a morning person and my focus and productivity is the highest in the morning. But my morning routine is really shallow and slow.

My previous routine: wake up, workout, read, journal, meditate, learn something. My actual work only starts after lunch. At that time, I feel tired with my morning small tasks. So it doesn’t help me a lot

But now, I know I have to put one work session in my morning routine.

My morning routine right now: wake up, meditate, breakfast, learn something new, 2hr deep work

And it works. I finish one long task and I feel productive because I finished it. It boosts my productivity for the upcoming to-do list. That’s why I’m sticking with it now.)


I do active work only between 10am and 5pm. During that time, there are three deep work sessions until 5pm. And later on is for some shallow work that I like to do.

In the evening, I do some content depending on my mood. I do it because I feel creative at such time.

After that my night routine comes. I like to pass it more peacefully as I did so much work in the morning and afternoon.

My night routine: wash my face, skincare routine, prayers time, meditate (longer than morning meditation), read + songs, and sleep at the same time everyday.

It gets easier when you are into the flow of those routines. However, you need to be disciplined at first to stick with them in the beginning.

With a right plan and routines, you get done a lot of work and you can improve yourself significantly.

Try building it in this new year and meet the new you who did a lot of amazing things you can’t even think of.

You can follow me along the journey and we can help each other. See you soon.




About study abroad, productivity, self improvement, and mindset. Let's be a better person in 2024.