The Ultimate Guide to Prepare to Study Abroad (Part 1: BEFORE LEAVING- Physical Preparation)

5 min readJan 12, 2024


The preparation period is the most chaotic part of studying abroad. You don’t know what you need to do before leaving, after arriving the country you’re planning to study at. This article is about everything you need to do for preparation.

Studying abroad!

It sounds fun and dreamy. I thought it that way before. But in reality, it’s confusing and scary. You have to prepare a lot before you’re leaving.

It was like packing your whole life in three luggages and leaving everyone behind. They say it’s part of becoming an adult. It sounds depressing, isn’t it?

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Not really tho (especially if you’re someone like me who want to leave the family and start a new life from scratch by yourself)

Anyway, let’s talk about how to prepare before you’re leaving. I skip the applying university, visa process, and documents part.

The focus here is about packaging, saying goodbye, and emotional preparation. And in part2, I’ll share about “AFTER ARRIVING THE COUNTRY”


1. Learn about your targeted country

CULTURE: It’s not that hard to do some research about a country now. Try to know their culture and lifestyle so that you won’t be surprised when you experience some crazy culture. When you know about those citizens, it’s easier to make friends with them.

FOOD: This is what most people find the most difficult part of living in another country for so long. You won’t probably have your tradition food there. That’s a harsh truth. Try to pack enough food you like that’s not available in the country.

Transportation: The systems are different between countries. Try to learn on online before you arrive there so that you’re theoretically ready. This includes transportations between places, cities, and also countries so that you can be ready to travel when your semester ends.

Living cost: When you prepare the financial part, it’s important to know how apartment or dormitory, food, transportation, eating out, traveling, study-related stuff cost. You could learn it from someone who’s already there.

2. Learn required language

This is for those who join countries with different language. Like me, I’m studying in Hungary and my second language is English. And I’m learning Hungarian currently.

Let’s say you enroll in a major that offer English language program. You have no problem of understanding the lectures. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to learn their language.

I mean I can stay there without being able to speak their language. But if you want to connect with the local people, want to make friends with local citizens, you need to learn some basic language at least.

Trust me, this will make your life there so much better and easier.

Before you go there, try to take some online lessons of the language. There are so many resources on Youtube. You won’t regret it.

3. Learn about the university

I’m sure you already did a lot of research about the university before you applied it. But here’s what I mean.

You should know about the curriculum, student clubs (not THE club), dormitories, libraries, offices, and departments.

The reason is it’s so much easier if you already have the knowledge. You don’t need to learn about everything in panic when you arrived there. It’d be just some basic information.

University Jobs for Students: They usually offer on campus jobs and opportunities. When you know them, you can just apply some as soon as you arrive there (only if you want ofc).

4. Make list of what you need to pack

Do this before one month you’re gonna leave. There are so many little things you might miss to pack if you prepare just before you leave.

Write them down immediately if you remember of something to pack. Even I prepare it before two months, there are still some stuff I miss to pack. For instance, my eye contact lenses :)

Also research things that you usually use at your home country but not popular in your study-abroad country, such as seasonings, or adaptor if you’re planning to go to Europe(*Important*).

5. Health

This will also be part of your visa or university application. However, it’s important that you’re really healthy.

Check up your eyes and teeth before you leave your home country. It’s usually more expensive in other countries than yours.

Prepare your glasses and don’t forget your contacts like me.

6. Weather Difference

If your local country and your study abroad country have different weather, you need to prepare more.

Clothes: Research what kind of clothes do they wear in that country and buy at least 2 to 3 of them. I came from an asian country and it’s so hot there. But here in Europe, it’s so cold that we need to wear puffer jackets and so much layers of clothes.

Medicine: If you take some supplements, prepare them. And also be ready to face the weather difference at the beginning of your arrival. I got ill in my first week here. Prepare medicine for it and research what medicine the local citizens take too.

Skincare: This is a big topic if you’re a skincare person. The weather affects the skincare you need to use. Do a lot of research and buy some in your local place. If not, you’ll find them more expensive and in some cases, you can’t fine the brand that you usually use.

7. Connect with Someone Who is already There

This will make your arrival and life there so much easier. It’s not hard to find someone at a specific country and connect with them.

They’ll also be passionate to help you because they were at your place before too. Just add them on IG or FB and talk to them.

They will share so many things you need to know and you can learn a lot from them. Not even that, you got your friend in your new country. How good is that.

So, these are the physical preparations you need to do before you study abroad. I recommend doing them as soon as you’re sure with your leaving. It’s never too early.

You’ll see part 2 of before leaving (emotional preparation to study abroad) in the near future. See you soon and wish you luck with your study abroad journey.




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