Practical Tips On How To Make Time Go Faster At School

4 min readMay 1, 2022


I’ve worked in positions where I was essentially watching the time tick away. I’ve been cooped up indoors with nothing to do. I recall being trapped in a classroom, awaiting the conclusion of class with bated breath. In all of these instances, as well as others, I’m ready to speed up the clock. I’d like to advance the clock and how to make time go faster at school.

I’m sure you do, as well. That’s why I performed some studies and collected as much information as I could to address the question: can you truly make time go faster?

You can’t make the flow of time as a physical phenomenon run quicker unless you create a time machine or use relativity-based time tactics. However, you may make it appear like time is going more quickly.

I also have a long list of tried-and-true methods. Continue reading to understand how to speed up time.

Tips for how to make time go faster at school

Thinking, “What can you do now to speed things up?” Let’s check the techniques for the same.

Break time down into manageable chunks.

Although it goes against telling people to stop paying attention to the clock, you might consider dividing your time into sections.

What exactly do I mean when I say “sections?”

Essentially, time intervals will break down into smaller and smaller bits. If you get to work at 9 a.m. and complain about having to work for 8 hours till 5 p.m., you’ll quickly become overwhelmed. However, saying you have to work for 30 minutes till the next meeting is considerably simpler.

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Split up the study that isn’t very enjoyable.

Remember that one of the reasons time flies by so slowly is that you aren’t having fun. The obvious remedy is to quit doing things you don’t like — but the fact is that you’ll have to do something you don’t like no matter what.

So, how do you go about it?

You divided the assignment into two parts.

It’s far simpler to complete four 15-minute tasks over the course of a few days than it is to complete a single 60-minute one. That is, at least, true for the majority of individuals. This consider as the best tip for how to make time go faster at school.

Do activities that you truly like.

Another tip to how to make time go faster at school. Time flies while you’re having a good time. It simply does. It’s why vacations, holidays, fantastic films, and delicious dinners seem to go by in a second.

As a result, you may speed up time by doing things you truly like. You can restrict what you can perform at work. Consider taking a small break and playing a game or performing a fast puzzle, or contacting a loved one for a quick chat. Otherwise, consider switching to jobs you enjoy every now and again to break up your day (or at least ones you can tolerate).

You’ll not have a lot more freedom if time is going slowly at school because you are bored. Like on YouTube, you may watch a movie, read a book, play a game, create art, construct something, repair something, or learn something.

Does nothing appeal to you? Then it’s time to start looking for a new interest. Learn a new skill, and ask your friends to teach you about something they’ve been interested in recently.

Bonus Tip

Also, check a bonus tip on how to make time go faster at school.

Try making rhymes if you have no clue how to pass the time in class but want to do it in a creative way. And try doodling or conversing with the classmate next to you.

Simply pay attention to what your teacher is saying and attempt to make rhymes out of it. For example, if your instructor mentions that Spain’s climate is damp, you may change it to “It will rain in Spain.” Furthermore, because you will focus on the subject when adopting such a form of distraction, you will be able to memorise things.

Let’s finish up!

We are confident that every student, whether in school or at a higher educational institution, has his or her own methods for making time fly. That is why they may finally leave the classroom! Some of you are most likely scribbling in your notes, while others engage in your phones or notebooks.

You may be quietly conversing with a classmate while your instructor explains something to the rest of the class, or you could even be reading a book! This is all about how to make time go faster at school. Hope you like and use the tips for you and suggest other friends too.




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