: Stumbleupon for podcast episodes

Find the perfect podcasts based on your tastes!

1 min readOct 16, 2019

Stumbleapod launched it’s MVP with limited features today. We’re the podcast discovery platform that functions a lot like Stumbleupon used to. Visit the site, select some interests, and stumble on to a new podcast episode that will be right up your alley!

We’re constantly iterating, constantly shipping new features, constantly adding new podcasts and episodes. We would LOVE to hear from you about what you love/hate or would want to see out of a product like this. Dream big — our aim is to keep it free for users, so no “paid features” or anything like that. The team is thinking hard right now about how users listen to podcasts now, capture notes, and then refer back to those notes later, for instance. Feel free to chime in at, @stumbleapod on twitter, or join the conversation by commenting on this article here!

There are thousands and thousands of podcast episodes; something is out there just for you!




Podcast Discovery Platform - We recommend new episodes based on your tastes - Find fresh content and capture your personal show notes