9 Critical Mistakes You’re Making with ChatGPT: Here’s How to Fix Them and Unlock Its Full Power!

Ashish Goutam Sahu
4 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash

So, you've stumbled upon ChatGPT, OpenAI's conversational wizardry, and you're probably wondering, "Am I using this thing right?" Fear not, dear reader! As someone who's been knee-deep in the AI trenches for over a decade, I'm here to guide you through maximizing your ChatGPT experience with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of personal flair. Ready? Let’s dive in!

1. Know Your Tool, Fool!
First things first: ChatGPT isn’t just a fancy chatbot. It’s your AI Swiss Army knife! Need some content? Check. Need some code? Check. Need someone to talk to about your latest existential crisis? Well, it can listen, but for serious stuff, see a professional, okay?

Important Note: Think of ChatGPT like a super-intelligent assistant. It needs your guidance to perform its best – no magic wand waving here.

2. Be Specific, Not Terrific
ChatGPT loves details. The more specific you are, the better the response. Instead of asking, “Tell me about cooking,” go for, “How do I make a perfect medium-rare steak?” Now you’re talking!

Important Note:

Specific questions get specific answers. It’s like ordering at a restaurant – the clearer you are, the less likely you’ll end up with something weird on your plate.

3. The Art of Follow-Up
Don’t settle for the first answer. ChatGPT thrives on follow-up questions. It’s like peeling an onion – each layer gets you closer to the core (without the tears, I promise).

Important Note:

Refine your questions to drill down into specifics. This back-and-forth can unearth some real gems.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

4. Multitasking Maven
ChatGPT can juggle multiple topics like a pro. Want to plan a vacation while learning Python? No sweat. It’s like having a multi-talented assistant who never needs a coffee break.

Important Note:

Mix and match your queries. It keeps things interesting and maximizes ChatGPT’s utility.

5. Context is King
ChatGPT remembers context within a conversation. If you ask about the weather in Tokyo and then inquire about sushi places, it gets the connection. Use this to your advantage.

Important Note:

Build on previous responses for a more natural conversation flow. ChatGPT is pretty sharp, but it’s not a mind reader.

6.Tone it Up or Down

Photo by Alyssa Yung on Unsplash

ChatGPT can match your tone – whether you’re feeling formal, casual, or downright goofy. Tailor its responses to fit your mood or your audience.

Important Note:

Adjust the tone to suit your needs. ChatGPT is your chameleon – let it blend in with the conversation.

7. Prompt Engineering:

Your New Superpowe
Mastering prompt engineering is like having a cheat code for ChatGPT. Frame your questions clearly and contextually to get superior answers.

Important Note:

Use clear, concise language. Avoid ambiguity and keep your prompts focused. Think of it as talking to a very smart, but very literal friend.

8. Feedback Loop
Provide feedback on ChatGPT’s responses. If it goes off track, gently steer it back. It’s like training a very smart dog – patience pays off.

Important Note:

Use phrases like “That’s not quite right, can you try again?” to improve the accuracy of responses.

9. Privacy and Safety First
Remember, ChatGPT is smart but not sentient. Don’t share sensitive information. It’s like that overly friendly neighbor – nice to chat with, but you wouldn’t give them your bank details.

Important Note: Always keep privacy in mind. ChatGPT is great, but it’s not Fort Knox.


In the wise words of a seasoned AI enthusiast: ChatGPT is like a genie, but with infinite wishes. Use it wisely, be specific, engage in follow-up conversations, and keep refining your prompts. The more effort you put in, the better the results.

Practice makes perfect. The more you interact with ChatGPT, the better you’ll get at extracting its full potential.

Now go forth, brave user, and unleash the full power of ChatGPT. Your productivity, creativity, and maybe even your sanity will thank you!

If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to clap, follow, and share! Spread the wisdom and help your friends stop making the same silly mistakes!



Ashish Goutam Sahu

Curious learner 📚 | Stock market newbie 📈 | Wellness enthusiast 🌟|Professional Photographer📷|Fiction story writer