GDP as Compared to Life Expectancy, 2000 through 2015

2 min readJan 27, 2022


While completing the Codecademy Data Science course, I completed a project analyzing GDP (gross domestic product, or the amount of profit produced by a nation’s economy) and life expectancy in six countries, across fifteen years.

All data was sourced from the World Health Organization and the World Bank, through Codecademy.

Life expectancy of all six countries has increased over time, with Zimbabwe, the country with the lowest GDP, increasing least and staying lowest overall.
All six countries GDP has increased over the same period, again with Zimbabwe increasing least and staying lowest overall.

The data shows a positive correlation between GDP and life expectancy, up to a point. Overall, life expectancy seems to top out at around 75 or 80, no matter the country’s GDP

The results of this data supports what I expected; richer countries tend to have longer life expectancies, while poorer ones have shorter. I am curious what happened in Zimbabwe in the years 2006 through 2009; the country underwent a dramatic upswing in both GDP and life expectancy, and I wonder what the cause of that was.

