What is the permanent treatment for phimosis?

Stuti Sharma
4 min readApr 7, 2022


Phimosis is a penile foreskin disorder. This condition often occurs in young and uncircumcised men. In this condition, the patient suffers from pain while pulling back the foreskin from the glans of the penis, pain during sexual intercourse, and at times difficulty in urinating. Phimosis, if diagnosed early, can be treated through medications or other alternative treatments.

However, if alternative treatments fail to show any improvement, the urologist may advise surgical intervention, i.e., circumcision surgery, to permanently cure phimosis. This surgical procedure is a safe, fast, and most effective treatment for penile foreskin disorder.

Dr. Padmanaban explains the benefits of undergoing Laser Circumcision.

Phimosis is classified into four grades by Meuli et al. based on the condition’s severity-

Phimosis Treatment Grades

Grade 1- the foreskin is fully retractable with a stenotic ring in the shaft

Grade 2- the foreskin is partially retractable, exposing a small portion of the penis glans.

Grade 3- the foreskin is partially retractable with exposure of the opening of the penis

Grade 4- the foreskin is not retractable

How is phimosis diagnosed?

Phimosis is diagnosed after a thorough evaluation by a urologist. The diagnosis of phimosis includes:

-A physical examination by a urologist, in which he/she checks the infection in the penile area and will slightly pulls back the foreskin from the head of the penis to understand the severity of the condition.

The urologist would ask about medical history and current medication, if you are taking any, before initiating the phimosis treatment, if you are taking any, before initiating the phimosis treatment.

-During the consultation, the urologist will recommend a few diagnostic tests to detect the severity of the phimosis to determine the best-suited treatment technique to cure it.

Surgical treatments to cure phimosis

Laser circumcision- During this technique, a urologist or surgeon removes the penile foreskin from the glans of the penis under the influence of anesthesia with the help of laser energy. Laser circumcision is a modern treatment, USFDA approved, and has a faster recovery duration than traditional methods of circumcision surgery. In addition, this surgical procedure is performed on an outpatient basis these days, which usually takes 30–45 minutes to complete.

ZSR stapler circumcision- A modern device known as a stapler is used to perform circumcision surgery. During this procedure, the urologist puts the stapler(gun-shaped medical device) and adjusts it on the head of the penis to remove the foreskin. Once the penile foreskin is removed, a silicone ring is left behind which eventually falls off when the skin is completely healed. In fact, Stapler circumcision is also a daycare procedure, and patients can go home on the same day of the surgery. The whole procedure typically takes 20–35 minutes to complete.

Open circumcision- This is a traditional method of doing circumcision surgery. The surgeon or urologist uses a sharp blade or surgical knife to remove the foreskin from the head of the penis. This surgical procedure may take longer as compared to other procedures mentioned above. However, open circumcision surgery is advised in rare cases based on the severity of the phimosis.

You can also read: Which Circumcision Technique (Laser or Stapler Circumcision) Is Better?

What is the cost of phimosis surgery?

The average cost of phimosis surgery or circumcision surgery may range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 55,000. The mentioned cost range is approximate, which may differ depending on the following factors:

  • The expertise of the urologist
  • The general fee of the consultation
  • The diagnostic tests recommended by the urologist
  • The type of technique used during the circumcision procedure
  • The medication prescribed during the phimosis treatment
  • The charges of hospitalization
  • The selection of hospital


Phimosis is a penile foreskin disorder that commonly occurs in uncircumcised men. The permanent and fastest solution to cure phimosis is circumcision. There are different techniques such as laser circumcision and stapler circumcision through which phimosis can be treated effectively as in daycare procedures. Get in touch with reputed healthcare providers to undergo or seek medical advice for circumcision treatment.



Stuti Sharma

I’m a writer of lifestyle, health, mental wellness, and living the best life possible.