2 min readJun 2, 2023


SyncBank is a practical and user-friendly lending protocol that prioritizes a simple user experience. It serves as an ecosystem infrastructure that provides liquidity tailored to the emerging blockchain ecosystem. Lending, as an essential DeFi protocol, brings together users seeking higher liquidity and those aiming to generate profits from providing liquidity, ultimately offering high-yield opportunities.

SyncBank’s core focus lies in simplicity. By eliminating intermediaries, it offers competitive interest rates and realistic yields, enabling users to freely engage in on-chain activities within a permissionless and open blockchain environment.

But that’s not all SyncBank focuses on. Sustainability is a key consideration. While numerous blockchain dApps emerge, only a few manage to survive six months down the line. To overcome this challenge, we have developed an innovative and practical token economy.

Enhanced and Innovative Features:

  1. Yield Boosting: Elevates users’ APR based on their $SCB token stake.
  2. Revenue Sharing: Distributes platform fees to users on a weekly basis, proportionate to their stake.
  3. Automatic Buyback: Repurchases $SCB tokens when users claim their share of platform fees, with a significant portion of the protocol’s revenue allocated to burning $SCB tokens.

SyncBank’s tokenomics are built around $SCB staking and offer multiple benefits to users. By prioritizing the sustainability of the $SCB token, SyncBank ensures the platform’s long-term growth and delivers significant success to its users.

SyncBank’s initial deployment takes place on the zkSync Era, the leading and high-performing layer2 blockchain renowned for its scalability and security.

Moreover, in recent months, SyncBank’s core team has established close connections with the zkSync team and is developing a native lending platform tailored to zkSync’s capabilities. As such, we firmly believe that zkSync provides the ideal environment to materialize our vision.

SyncBank has exciting launch airdrop plans in store. We invite you to join our community and seize the opportunity to participate in the special meme token airdrop.







