Survivors Tribune
3 min readMay 30, 2016

Global Awareness Day for Genocide and Human Rights at Abraham Moss School in Manchester— 27th May 2016

On April 27, the whole of Year 9 took part in Global Awareness Day. The aim of the day was to learn about genocides and human rights abuses in the past and present day, and to explore how we might respond to these as global citizens. There were workshops led by different humanities teachers, and from two visitors. We were delighted to welcome Naomi Jahoda, whose father survived the Holocaust, and Eric Murangwa Eugene, who survived the genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda. At our primary phase all of the children were working on aspects of Global Awareness. Some of our Year 10 citizenship students did a fabulous job in linking the day together. Having helped in the primary phase or with the Year 9 workshops, they summarised the learning in different workshops in an awesome assembly at the end of the day.

Our visitor, Eric, wrote afterwards: “It was a humbling experience to meet everyone at the school”.

Eric presentation during the workshop

In thanking Eric for coming, Laraib wrote about Eric, “I think it’s vital to have listened to someone who had gone through the events as it gives you a better perspective on what went on and how you should be grateful for what you have because some people don’t have the chance to live in a healthy, safe environment. Listening to your inspiring journey has changed my thoughts on what changes we can make to help others around the world .”

We have also joined with Greater Manchester Police in their #Westandtogether campaign to express our belief in equality.

Here are some student responses to the question, “What was the most important thing you learned today?”

  • “We can make a change even though we are only little Year 9 kids” (Rameen).
  • “Use your voice to change the world for the better” (Eeraj).
  • “If you save one person, you save the whole community” (Sana).
  • “Alone you do not stand a chance, but spreading the message together is more effective” (Areej).
  • “You should speak out so your voice is heard” (Sadia).
  • “Everyone is equal” (McKenzie).

Global Awareness Day — Click an image to view the gallery


If you would like to take action to prevent genocide and other crimes against humanity, please visit some of these websites:

Football for Hope and Unity (Eric Murangwa Eugene’s organisation)

United to End Genocide

United States Holocaust Museum — it is taking action against genocide and has wide info on the website, not just about the Holocaust

Amnesty International — standing up for human rights

The article was originally published on Abraham Moss School website at

Survivors Tribune

ST is a global educational initiative that helps survivors to attain new meaning in their lives.