budo lifestyle
4 min readJan 27, 2023



Martial arts exist everywhere in the world. They are characterized by traditional fighting styles. They are codified fighting systems and traditions that are practiced for many reasons.

The question “which is the best martial art?” still has no answer. There are many different styles and schools of martial arts. They can be grouped by type, focus, regional origin. Another classification is armed and unarmed forms of martial arts. We will select some of the most popular martial arts.


Karate is a popular martial art that many people practice in order to maintain their body shape and build muscle mass. From a fitness perspective, a number of sets of leg kicks and arm kicks are done. Attacks and all those movements are done against some kind of resistance. By increasing the level of resistance, muscles grow and bones become stronger.

Karate can be practiced as an art (budō), self-defense, or as a combat sport. It particularly emphasizes psychological elements such as perseverance, fearlessness, virtue and leadership skills. Sport karate emphasizes practice and competition. Karate training is usually divided into kihon (basics), kata (forms) and kumite (sparring).


Taekwondo can be translated as “tae” — kick or block with the leg, “kwon” — kick or block with the hand and “do” — way or method. This means that taekwondo represents the way and method of arm and leg movement. In addition to blocks and hits, the main focus is discipline, a healthy body and a healthy mind. Taekwondo is a martial art where strength and speed are emphasized.

If you want to build strength and speed, then Taekwondo training is great for that. During exercise, balance plays a major role. Also, to be able to manage your arms and legs in a balanced way at the same time, you need very good coordination. Getting stronger arms and legs requires a lot of training with a punching bag.

The most important thing is to understand every phenomenon of the universe, feeling the negative energy and hatred. Since very little physical force is used, both women and children can master this technique very successfully.


Judo is very similar to Taekwondo. The biggest difference is the length of the match. The goal is to knock the opponent down and force them into submission using a neck lock or hold. Punches and presses with arms and legs, as well as armed defense are part of judo, but only in a pre-arranged form (kata, 形) and are not allowed in judo matches or free training (randori, 乱銊).

In Judo training, strength and endurance are emphasized, the training lasts quite a long time. Fighting is involved in this martial art.. So whoever decides to train will build muscle mass and strength in a very short time.


Aikido translated means “Way of harmonizing energy”. It expresses the principle of non-resistance. The wrestler does not use his physical strength during the fight. Uses accurate, timely movements and the principle of victory with peace. No real physical combat.

Aikido consists of a number of self-defense techniques. It have elements of medicine, philosophy, psychology, and the ethics of nonviolence toward all living beings. They are circular movements appropriate to nature and the universe because Aikido emphasizes naturalness and relaxation. In Aikido, one never confronts the enemy directly, but first moves away from the direction of his energy and misses his attack in vain.


Jiu Jitsu is a combination of dynamic and explosive movements in pushing, pulling and holding. Other martial arts focus on striking, Jiu Jitsu focuses on holding and close contact “wrestling” techniques. Practicing this martial art increases strength and muscle tone. It’s also an incredible mental workout that increases your body awareness and improves your balance and reactive ability to plan your next move, whether you’re in an advantageous or defensive position.

Jiu Jitsu is unique in that it can be done by anyone regardless of age, size, gender or physical limitation. Any person can use the techniques and principles of Jiu Jitsu and make changes from their practice.


Kung fu exercises consist of jumping, kicking and other movements. That make it the best martial art in terms of cardiovascular exercises. You need to get your body in good shape, improve physical abilities like speed, agility and flexibility. Although often compared to karate, Kung Fu requires more circling, stylized movements, highly effective strikes and balance.

