“Vinyl Record Crafts: Upcycling Old LPs Into Unique DIY Projects” By Kenneth Haney

Style My Soul (StyleMySoul.com)
4 min readJan 18, 2024
Credit: Kenneth Hanvey; Pop Vinyl Records | www.popvinylrecords.com

Remember those stacks of vinyl in Grandma’s attic, whispers of forgotten melodies trapped in dusty grooves? Before you consign them to the record graveyard, consider this: their musical journey might not be over. With a dash of creativity and a whole lot of upcycling magic, those scratched symphonies can be reborn as stunning DIY projects, proving that a skip in the groove can lead to something beautiful.

From Wallflowers to Wall Art:

Breathe new life into those beloved album covers. Imagine them gracing your walls as a personalized gallery, not collecting dust in the corner. Decoupage them onto wooden squares, frame them with a touch of vintage flair, and you’ve got an instant conversation starter without putting a single nail in the drywall. Group by genre, artist, or color to create a curated playlist for your eyes.

Groovy Guardians of the Spills:

Coasters with bite? Absolutely! Transform those worn LPs into funky drink holders that wouldn’t dare let a drop touch your precious furniture. Armed with a drill and a bit of courage (and safety precautions!), create cool circles from the vinyl. Paint them in vibrant hues, sprinkle them with glitter, or leave them raw for a touch of retro charm. Bonus points for pairing song titles with their liquid counterparts (“Margarita Madness” anyone?).

Timekeeping with a Twist:

Tired of the same old clock on the wall? Give it a vinyl kick! Glue an old record to a clock mechanism (DIY stores are your friend here) and customize the label with cheeky numbers or playful cutouts. Hang it up, let the music set the pace of your day, and watch guests tilt their heads in amused delight.

From Skips to Snacks:

Those warped LPs aren’t doomed to the bin. With a gentle nudge from a heat gun (safety first!), transform them into shallow bowls with an undeniable groove. Cool them down, and voila! You’ve got a quirky catchall for trinkets, keys, or even snacks (popcorn in a Beatles bowl? Why not?).

Wear Your Heart (and Music) on Your Sleeve:

Channel your inner magpie and let old vinyl sing in a new form. Cut out tiny circles and unleash your inner jewelry designer. Dangle them from earrings, weave them into bracelets, or create pendants that whisper stories of forgotten melodies. Paint them, add a layer of shimmer, or let them tell their own tale through raw vinyl beauty. Wear your love for music loud and proud.

But wait, there’s more! Feeling adventurous? Here’s where the real creative chaos (in the best way possible) begins:

  • Mosaic Magic: Break those records into tiny shards and unleash your inner mosaic maestro. Tabletops, planters, even that old dresser begging for a makeover — let them all bask in the funky glory of vinyl mosaics.
  • Spinning Sidekicks: Sturdy LPs can become more than just coasters. Find a sturdy base (metal legs, a stool with personality), glue the record on top, paint it, or add a glass top, and you’ve got a side table that doubles as a conversation starter. Let the music hold your coffee cup with pride.
  • Light Up the Tunes: Feeling inspired by the record’s circular form? Cut intricate designs and let vinyl become your lampshade canvas. The intricate patterns will cast stunning shadows, and bonus points for using records with light-related song titles (hello, “Bohemian Rhapsody”!).

Remember, these are just jumping-off points for your creative revolution. Experiment, mix and match, and let the music in your mind guide you. So dig out those dusty discs, crank up the imagination, and give your old vinyl a second spin — this time, as a masterpiece in your own living room.

Meet Our Contributor — Kenneth Haney

‘A devoted vinyl record collector and unwavering audiophile.’

I first fell in love with vinyl when I was just fifteen years old. I was captivated by the unique warmth and richness that vinyl added to music as a teenager. Vinyl records, as opposed to digital music, have a tangible quality, are a part of history, and are works of art that transcend the limitations of an MP3 file.I have greatly expanded my collection throughout the years. Every album I own narrates not only the tale of the music on it, but also the story of my relationship and journey with that music. From pop and rock to jazz and blues, my collection spans a wide span of musical history. Visit Kenneth’s original work here.



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