Top 10 PHP Project Ideas to Elevate Your Portfolio in 2025

cyber girl
4 min readJul 16, 2024


In this article, I’m going to talk about 10 different PHP project ideas that can take your portfolio to the next level. Although some of the projects are PHP-specific, most of them can also be used for other programming languages.

Project Ideas

1. PHP MVC Framework

Nowadays, no one works without using frameworks. Understanding how a framework works is fundamental. Building your own custom PHP MVC framework will help you understand how the most popular PHP MVC frameworks, like Laravel, Symfony, or Yii, work behind the scenes. By building this project, you will understand the MVC pattern, how it works, and the connections between models and controllers. I highly recommend building your own PHP MVC framework and adding it to your portfolio.

2. Data Import and Export

Importing and exporting data is a very common task in any job. Whether you’re working with PHP or another programming language, you might have to import data into an application and export it in formats like Excel or CSV. I recommend creating a basic project that can import data from Excel, parse the data, and import it into a database. Additionally, create an export functionality that generates Excel files. Make this project complex by adding multiple sheets and charts. Including this project in your portfolio will demonstrate your ability to handle data import and export.

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3. PDF Generation

PDFs are used everywhere. Whether you need to generate invoices or resumes, knowing how to create complex PDF files is essential. Create an application that generates invoices or resumes, ensuring the PDF files are as complex as possible. This will show potential employers that you are proficient in generating PDF files, which is a crucial skill in many jobs.

4. Mini Shopping Cart Functionality

Create a simple shopping cart functionality without building a full e-commerce website. Start with a products table and display the products on your website. Add items to the cart, saving the information in cookies if the user is not authorized. Upon user authorization, move the cart items from cookies to the database. Handle merging of cart items from cookies and the database. This project will showcase your ability to manage user sessions and data persistence.

5. Email Sending

Email sending is a fundamental task in many applications. Create a small application that demonstrates how to send emails, including setting the body, subject, CC, BCC, and attaching files. This project will show your ability to handle email functionality, which is often required in various jobs.

6. CRUD Application with Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering

Create a simple CRUD application with added features like pagination, sorting, and filtering for all fields. Include different types of filtering inputs such as dropdowns and checkboxes. For example, filter customers by status using a checkbox. This project will demonstrate your database management skills and ability to implement user-friendly data handling features.

6. QR Code Generation

QR codes are widely used. Create a small application that generates QR codes for meaningful content, such as URLs. When someone scans the QR code, it should open the specified URL. This project will show your ability to integrate QR code functionality, which is useful in various applications.

7. Working with CURL

CURL is used to communicate with third-party APIs, which is essential for any backend developer. Create an application that demonstrates how to send and receive data from third-party APIs using CURL. Include handling of binary files like images or PDFs. This project will highlight your ability to integrate with external services and handle data exchanges.

8. Customer Registration

Create a customer registration form with multiple fields, including customer information, billing addresses, and shipping addresses. Validate and sanitize the input data, then save it in a database or session storage. This project will demonstrate your skills in handling user input, validation, and data storage.

9. Event Management Application

Create a shared calendar where users can create and manage events. Save the events in a database and handle different time zones. This project will showcase your ability to work with dates and times, which is important for many applications.

Bonus Project

Create and Deploy a Composer Package

Every PHP developer should know how to work with Composer. Create a Composer package, make it available on GitHub, and deploy it on Packagist. Prepare a good README for your package, as documentation is a crucial skill for developers. This project will demonstrate your ability to create and share reusable code.

