Saibu Baba
1 min readFeb 3, 2017


hmm, all we say is content need to be inspired, it should come out of your mind freely. It should be something you love doing. It should be of value to your reader.

But in reality, that’s not what today’s content is about.

Today’s content is about “Keywords”.

There are many writers now who don’t have any Idea about a blog post on their niche. All the do is go and search for keywords in their niche, do a little research, and start writing the same thing all over “in their own language”. I call it rewriting.

We blog about niches we don’t understand because those niches have high rates of ROI.

We write Ebooks on trending topics not because we are good at that area, but because that field has become the topic of the day and an ebook would earn us high income.

We churn out podcasts on topics we are not even passionate about.

Believe it or not, that’s what almost half of the content on the internet has become.

I just pity the reader looking for new, genuine, and inspired writing.

We writers have a responsibility

And if you find it so difficult being responsible, then you quit.

I liked your honest writing.

and it reminds me of my post about how lazy bloggers are going to leave the system as we move on to the future.

Thanks for the post.



Saibu Baba

Here to read interesting stuff, write some, and meet thinkers. Obsessions: future of work, startups. Managing: Founder: