Playlist 2: Non-sexual

Leticia Barco Suarez
1 min readOct 25, 2021


The non-sexual playlist views love, specifically romantic love, as a strong connection/bond between individuals. Therefore, correlating the feelings of intimacy as a personal and emotional interaction rather than a physically sexual one. Each song conveys a message of love, or a perspective of love born from feelings of connection, intimacy, and desire, desire that is not specifically sexual but emotional.

Not to say that love cannot be sexually physical, but the issue is that sex culture can make some people uncomfortable. Therefore, I have created this playlist, not just as a comfort for myself but as a comfort for others who just want a compilation of songs that don’t mention sex. As you look at the sexual and non-sexual playlist, I hope that both help create an acknowledgment that not everyone is or wants to be sexual when it comes to romantic relationships. Love can exist without sex and as an asexual, I don’t have to change a part of myself in order to satisfy society’s standards of romantic love.

