ZSHELL— oh My ZSH is Your ZSH

3 min readMay 20, 2018

Shell is the place where you interact with the unix based operating systems directly.

There are different type of shells around.

The default shell is named ‘Bash’ and most widely used one.

The acronym stands for Bourne Again Shell. Written around 1989 which is nearly 3 decades now.

Things changed a lot since then and different kind of shells are being written and maintained.

I am going to tell you about ZSH which is another more sophisticated rival shell that has all the modern support. It is surprising that it also started at the time of 1990's.

1971 — Thompson Shell [Ken Thompson]

1977 — Bourne Shell

1978 — C Shell

1983 — Korn Shell

1989 — Bourne Again shell

1990 — Z Shell

Why ZSH ?

CD > Change directory completions Works !

~> cd [Tab]

GIT > Git completion support out of box !

Path expansions works smarter

When you just want shell to complete your path it offers the best possibilities.

Themes — I love the themes offered by ZSH.

I can assure you that, pushing tab to complete stuff has never gotten that much joy.

It will be much clear when you just discover things yourself.


If you do not have brew installing utility. Just install it first.

Install Brew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install ZSH with Oh my zsh

$ brew install zsh zsh-completions$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Change shell to ZSH

Different shell options exists.
change shell for your user

$chsh -s /bin/zsh {yourusername}

Now next time you open a terminal it is going to start with zsh shell.

If you want to use bash shell again. Just change zsh to bash and execute the command like:

$chsh -s /bin/bash {yourusername}


After installing oh my zsh, your .zshrc file has been placed in your user folder which corresponds directly to .bashrc file.

This is where your specifications go in, such as aliasing, changing theme.

Changing Theme

What i love about this shell it provides you with bunch of themes throughout oh my zsh.

Bunch of theme

Everybody has its own taste. But you need to try the themes before right.

In order to use different themes open ~/.zshrc file.

Change theme inside ~/.zshrc

Changing team is as easy as changing ZSH_THEME value.

You may try writing “random”. And it offers you different themes at every shell session you open and says the loaded theme’s name, so that you can later stick to it.

What i liked was “nicoulaj”, which provides very clear way for git projects.

I have played nearly half an hour with random theme selection :D.

I hope you have enjoyed.





